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时间: 2024-09-20 05:41:48


1. It's a common misconception that all snakes are venomous. 这是一个常见的误解,认为所有的蛇都是有毒的。

2. It's common for people to feel nervous before a job interview. 人们在面试前感到紧张是很普遍的。

3. In many cultures, it is common to greet people with a handshake. 在许多文化中,用握手来问候人是很普遍的。

4. It's common knowledge that smoking is bad for your health. 抽烟对健康有害是众所周知的。

5. It's common for children to have imaginary friends. 孩子们拥有想象中的朋友是很普遍的。

6. It's common for siblings to fight with each other. 兄弟姐妹之间打架是很常见的。

7. It's common for students to procrastinate on their homework. 学生拖延作业是很常见的。

8. It's common for people to feel lonely at times. 人们偶尔感到孤独是很普遍的。

9. It's common for couples to argue occasionally. 夫妻偶尔争论是很常见的。

10. It's common for people to have different opinions. 人们有不同的意见是很普遍的。

11. It's common for young adults to struggle with finding their career path. 年轻人在找到自己的职业道路上挣扎是很常见的。

12. It's common for people to make mistakes. 人们犯错是很普遍的。

13. It's common for students to experience stress during exams. 学生在考试期间感到压力是很常见的。

14. It's common for families to have disagreements. 家庭成员之间有分歧是很普遍的。

15. It's common for people to enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning. 人们早上喝一杯咖啡是很常见的。

16. It's common for people to experience jet lag after a long flight. 人们在长途飞行后经历时差是很普遍的。

17. It's common for people to have trouble sleeping at times. 人们偶尔失眠是很常见的。

18. It's common for friends to support each other during difficult times. 朋友在困难时支持彼此是很普遍的。

19. It's common for people to feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities. 人们对自己的责任感到不知所措是很常见的。

20. It's common for people to enjoy spending time outdoors. 人们喜欢在户外度过时间是很普遍的。

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