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时间: 2024-09-17 13:35:40


1. She was completely exhausted after running a marathon.(她跑完马拉松后完全精疲力尽。)

2. The room was completely empty except for a single chair.(房间里除了一把椅子,完全是空的。)

3. I completely forgot about our meeting today.(我完全忘记了今天的会议。)

4. The movie completely captivated the audience.(这部电影完全吸引了观众。)

5. The new restaurant completely exceeded my expectations.(这家新餐厅完全超出了我的期望。)

6. He was completely shocked by the news of his promotion.(他完全被晋升的消息震惊了。)

7. The storm completely destroyed the small town.(暴风雨完全摧毁了小镇。)

8. She completely changed her mind about the trip after hearing about the weather forecast.(听说天气预报后,她完全改变了对旅行的看法。)

9. The new law will completely overhaul the current system.(这项新法律将完全改革当前的制度。)

10. The company's new product completely revolutionized the industry.(公司的新产品完全改变了这个行业。)

11. The house was completely renovated before the new owners moved in.(在新主人搬进来之前,这所房子完全翻新过。)

12. She was completely engrossed in her book and didn't hear her phone ring.(她完全沉浸在书中,没听到手机响。)

13. The experiment was a failure as it completely backfired.(实验失败了,因为完全适得其反。)

14. He completely ignored my advice and did things his own way.(他完全忽略了我的建议,按照自己的方式行事。)

15. The painting was completely ruined when it got wet in the rain.(画作在雨中被淋湿后完全毁了。)

16. The team completely dominated the game and won by a large margin.(这支球队完全控制了比赛,并以大比分获胜。)

17. She was completely taken aback by his sudden confession of love.(他突然的表白让她完全吃惊。)

18. The old building was completely demolished to make way for a new skyscraper.(为了建造一座新摩天大楼,这座老建筑完全被拆除了。)

19. The singer's performance completely moved the audience to tears.(歌手的表演完全感动了观众,让他们落泪。)

20. The detective was completely stumped by the mysterious case.(这个神秘案件让侦探彻底困惑了。)

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