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时间: 2024-09-17 13:17:03


1. The two computers are connected through a shared network.(这两台电脑通过共享网络连接在一起。)

2. I feel more connected to nature when I go hiking in the mountains.(当我在山里徒步旅行时,我感觉更加与大自然联系紧密。)

3. The phone call got disconnected before we could finish our conversation.(电话在我们还没结束谈话之前就断开了。)

4. Being connected to the internet has become an essential part of our daily lives.(与互联网连接已经成为我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。)

5. The new subway line will connect the downtown area to the suburbs.(新的地铁线将把市中心与郊区连接起来。)

6. I feel connected to my ancestors when I visit the historical sites in my hometown.(当我参观家乡的历史遗址时,我感到与我的祖先联系紧密。)

7. The roads in this neighborhood are all connected, making it easy to navigate.(这个社区的道路都相互连接,使得导航变得很容易。)

8. The teacher encouraged the students to stay connected with each other even after graduation.(老师鼓励学生们在毕业后继续保持联系。)

9. Our company's success is largely due to our ability to stay connected with our customers.(我们公司的成功在很大程度上归功于我们与客户保持联系的能力。)

10. The wifi signal is weak, so my laptop keeps getting disconnected from the internet.(wifi信号很弱,所以我的笔记本经常断开与互联网的连接。)

11. The new bridge will connect the island to the mainland.(新的桥梁将把这座岛屿与大陆连接起来。)

12. The family felt more connected after spending quality time together on their vacation.(一家人在度假期间共度美好时光后感到更加亲密。)

13. The app allows users to stay connected with their friends and family through instant messaging.(这个应用程序允许用户通过即时通讯与朋友和家人保持联系。)

14. The train tracks connect the city to neighboring towns.(铁路连接着这个城市和邻近的小镇。)

15. The company's various departments are all connected by a central communication system.(公司的各个部门都通过一个中央通信系统连接在一起。)

16. Living in a digital age means we are constantly connected to the world through technology.(生活在数字时代意味着我们通过技术与世界保持不断联系。)

17. The power outage caused all the devices in the house to become disconnected from the internet.(停电导致房子里的所有设备都与互联网断开了连接。)

18. The new highway will connect the city to the airport, reducing travel time significantly.(新的高速公路将把这个城市与机场连接起来,大大减少了出行时间。)

19. The students formed a strong bond and felt deeply connected to each other after going through a challenging project together.(学生们在一起完成一个具有挑战性的项目后,建立了牢固的联系,彼此之间感到深深相连。)

20. The internet has revolutionized the way we stay connected with people around the world.(互联网已经彻底改变了我们与全球人们保持联系的方式。)

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