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时间: 2024-09-17 13:35:46


1. The word "home" has a connotation of warmth and comfort. 家这个词有温暖和舒适的内涵。

2. The color red often has a connotation of passion and power. 红色往往带有激情和力量的内涵。

3. The term "politician" has a negative connotation for many people. “政治家”这个词对许多人来说有负面含义。

4. The phrase "old-fashioned" has a connotation of being out of date. “老式”的词汇有过时的含义。

5. The word "bossy" has a connotation of being domineering. “专横”这个词有霸道的含义。

6. The term "crazy" can have a stigmatizing connotation when used to describe someone with a mental illness. 当用来描述精神疾病的人时,“疯狂”这个词可能具有污名化的含义。

7. The word "cheap" can have a negative connotation when used to describe something of low quality. “廉价”这个词在用来描述低质量的东西时可能带有负面含义。

8. The phrase "working mother" has a connotation of balancing career and family responsibilities. “职业母亲”这个词汇带有平衡事业和家庭责任的内涵。

9. The term "diva" has a connotation of being demanding and high-maintenance. “天后”这个词有苛刻和高维护的含义。

10. The word "eccentric" has a connotation of being unconventional or quirky. “古怪”这个词有非传统或古怪的含义。

11. The phrase "social justice" has a connotation of fairness and equality. “社会正义”这个词带有公平和平等的内涵。

12. The term "control freak" has a connotation of being excessively controlling. “控制狂”这个词有过度控制的含义。

13. The word "thrift" has a connotation of frugality and careful spending. “节俭”这个词有节俭和谨慎消费的内涵。

14. The phrase "tough love" has a connotation of being strict but ultimately caring. “严厉的爱”这个词带有严格但最终关心的内涵。

15. The term "natural beauty" has a connotation of being unaltered and authentic. “天然美”这个词有未经改变和真实的含义。

16. The word "eccentric" has a connotation of being unconventional or quirky. “古怪”这个词有非传统或古怪的含义。

17. The phrase "social justice" has a connotation of fairness and equality. “社会正义”这个词带有公平和平等的内涵。

18. The term "control freak" has a connotation of being excessively controlling. “控制狂”这个词有过度控制的含义。

19. The word "thrift" has a connotation of frugality and careful spending. “节俭”这个词有节俭和谨慎消费的内涵。

20. The phrase "tough love" has a connotation of being strict but ultimately caring. “严厉的爱”这个词带有严格但最终关心的内涵。

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