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时间: 2024-10-06 20:02:44


1. The scientist's credibility was called into question after it was discovered that he had falsified his research data. 该科学家的信誉受到质疑,因为发现他篡改了研究数据。

2. The company's credibility suffered after it was revealed that they had been involved in a major fraud scandal. 公司的信誉受损,因为曝光了他们参与了一起重大的欺诈丑闻。

3. As a journalist, it's important to maintain credibility by fact-checking and verifying sources. 作为记者,通过事实核查和验证消息来源来保持可信度是很重要的。

4. The politician's credibility was at an all-time low after he was caught lying about his past accomplishments. 这位政治家因为被发现撒谎关于过去的成就而信誉达到了历史最低点。

5. The charity's credibility was questioned when it was revealed that only a small percentage of donations actually went to the cause. 当揭露出只有很小一部分捐款真正用于慈善事业时,该慈善机构的信誉受到质疑。

6. The expert's credibility was bolstered by the publication of a groundbreaking study in a prestigious journal. 这位专家的信誉因在一家知名期刊上发表了一项开创性研究而得到了加强。

7. The company's long history of reliable products has earned it a reputation for credibility in the market. 公司长期以来可靠的产品赢得了市场对其信誉的评价。

8. The witness's credibility was called into question when inconsistencies were found in his testimony. 当在他的证词中发现矛盾之处时,证人的可信度受到了质疑。

9. The news outlet's credibility was tarnished after it was discovered that they had been fabricating stories for clickbait. 这家新闻媒体因为被发现为了点击率而捏造新闻而信誉受损。

10. The credibility of the website was questioned due to the lack of credible sources for its information. 由于信息来源缺乏可信度,这个网站的可信度受到了质疑。

11. The company's credibility was on the line as they faced a lawsuit for their faulty products. 由于产品质量问题,这家公司的信誉岌岌可危。

12. The lawyer's credibility was crucial in winning the case, as the jury needed to trust his testimony. 律师的可信度对于赢得案件至关重要,因为陪审团需要相信他的证词。

13. The politician's credibility was damaged after he was caught plagiarizing a speech. 这位政治家因为被发现剽窃演讲而信誉受损。

14. The company's credibility was restored after it took responsibility for a product recall and offered compensation to affected customers. 该公司因为对产品召回负责并向受影响的客户提供了赔偿而恢复了信誉。

15. The journalist's credibility was questioned after it was discovered that he had accepted bribes from a source. 当发现他接受了消息来源的贿赂后,这位记者的可信度受到了质疑。

16. The credibility of the news report was called into question when it was discovered that the journalist had fabricated quotes. 当发现记者捏造了引用时,新闻报道的可信度受到了质疑。

17. The company's credibility was damaged by a series of product recalls due to safety concerns. 由于安全问题导致了一系列产品召回,公司的可信度受到了损害。

18. The credibility of the study was bolstered by the inclusion of multiple peer-reviewed sources. 通过包括多个同行评议的来源,这项研究的可信度得到了加强。

19. The politician's credibility was at stake as he faced accusations of corruption. 这位政治家因面临腐败指控而信誉岌岌可危。

20. The company's credibility was called into question when it was discovered that they had been manipulating their financial reports. 当发现他们操纵了财务报告时,该公司的可信度受到了质疑。

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