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时间: 2024-10-06 16:42:03


1. The soldiers spent hours drilling on the parade ground.


2. The dentist had to drill a cavity in my tooth.


3. The coach had the team practice a new drill to improve their passing skills.


4. The construction workers were drilling holes in the concrete to install the new pipes.


5. The students had to practice the fire drill to ensure they knew what to do in case of an emergency.


6. The drill bit broke while we were drilling into the metal.


7. The team ran through the drill one last time before the big game.


8. The dentist used a drill to remove the decayed part of the tooth.


9. The soldiers drilled in formation, following their commander's orders.


10. The oil company is planning to drill a new well in the offshore oil field.


11. The drill sergeant shouted orders at the recruits during training.


12. The workers used a jackhammer to drill through the concrete.


13. The fire drill went smoothly, and everyone evacuated the building quickly.


14. The drill team performed a synchronized routine during the halftime show.


15. The dentist recommended a filling after drilling out the cavity.


16. The soldiers practiced the drill repeatedly to ensure they could perform it perfectly.


17. The workers used a drill press to create precise holes in the metal.


18. The coach devised a new drill to improve the team's defensive skills.


19. The dentist used a water spray to cool the tooth while drilling.


20. The drill competition showcased the precision and skill of the participating teams.


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