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时间: 2024-10-06 16:39:39


1. I like to drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated.(我喜欢一天中随时喝水保持身体水分充足。)

2. She prefers to drink tea instead of coffee in the morning.(她早上更喜欢喝茶而不是咖啡。)

3. The doctor advised him to drink plenty of fluids when he was sick.(医生建议他在生病时多喝水。)

4. I don't like to drink alcohol, so I always order a soda at parties.(我不喜欢喝酒,所以在派对上我总是点一杯苏打水。)

5. It's important to drink responsibly and not overindulge.(喝酒要有节制,不要过度饮酒。)

6. The athletes were instructed to drink a protein shake after their workout.(运动员们被告知在锻炼后喝一杯蛋白奶昔。)

7. I always drink a cup of coffee in the morning to wake up.(我早上总是喝一杯咖啡来唤醒自己。)

8. She likes to drink herbal tea before bed to help her relax.(她喜欢在睡前喝草药茶来帮助自己放松。)

9. It's important to drink plenty of water when exercising to prevent dehydration.(运动时喝足够的水很重要,以防脱水。)

10. He always drinks a glass of milk before going to bed.(他睡前总是喝一杯牛奶。)

11. The bartender asked the customer what they would like to drink.(酒保问客人想喝什么。)

12. She decided to drink a smoothie for breakfast instead of eating a heavy meal.(她决定早餐喝一杯果汁冰沙而不是吃油腻的食物。)

13. I don't drink soda because it's not good for my health.(我不喝苏打水因为对我的健康不好。)

14. The doctor advised her to drink warm water with lemon to soothe her sore throat.(医生建议她喝温水加柠檬来缓解她的喉咙痛。)

15. He always drinks a cup of green tea after dinner.(他晚饭后总是喝一杯绿茶。)

16. The workers were allowed to drink water during their break.(工人们在休息时可以喝水。)

17. She likes to drink a glass of wine with her dinner on special occasions.(她喜欢在特殊场合的晚餐时喝一杯葡萄酒。)

18. The doctor recommended that he drink more water to help with his digestion.(医生建议他多喝水以帮助消化。)

19. I always make sure to drink a glass of orange juice in the morning for a boost of vitamin C.(我总是确保早上喝一杯橙汁以补充维生素C。)

20. She decided to drink a cup of hot chocolate to warm up on a cold winter day.(她决定在寒冷的冬天喝一杯热巧克力来取暖。)

上一个 【英语】drill的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】drinking的例句



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