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时间: 2024-09-20 01:17:26


1. The electric car is becoming increasingly popular due to its environmental benefits.


2. She plugged in the electric kettle to boil some water for tea.


3. The electric guitar was invented in the 1930s and revolutionized the music industry.


4. The electric shock from the faulty wiring was enough to knock him unconscious.


5. The company is investing heavily in electric vehicle technology.


6. The electric current running through the wires powers the lights in the building.


7. He installed an electric fence to keep the animals out of his garden.


8. The electricians are working to fix the problem with the wiring in the building.


9. The electric fan provided some relief from the sweltering heat.


10. The electric mixer made it much easier to whip up a batch of cookies.


11. 这辆汽车是电动的,不需要使用汽油。

(This car is electric, so it doesn't need gasoline.)

12. 我们需要一台电动剃须刀。

(We need an electric shaver.)

13. 他被电击后,立即失去了知觉。

(He lost consciousness immediately after the electric shock.)

14. 这个城市的公交车正在逐渐转向电动。

(The city's buses are gradually transitioning to electric power.)

15. 他们在家里安装了太阳能电池板,以便更多地使用电动设备。

(They installed solar panels at home to use more electric devices.)

16. 电动牙刷比普通牙刷更有效。

(Electric toothbrushes are more effective than regular ones.)

17. 这辆电动自行车可以骑行50英里。

(This electric bike can ride for 50 miles.)

18. 电动火车比传统火车更环保。

(Electric trains are more environmentally friendly than traditional ones.)

19. 电动工具使得工作更加高效。

(Electric tools make the work more efficient.)

20. 他们正在研究更高效的电动发动机。

(They are researching more efficient electric engines.)

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