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时间: 2024-10-05 22:44:43


1. He studied engineering at university and now works as a civil engineer.


2. The engineering team is working on developing a new prototype for the company.


3. She has a degree in electrical engineering and specializes in renewable energy.


4. The engineering of the bridge took several years to complete.


5. The engineering behind this new technology is truly groundbreaking.


6. He's an engineering consultant and has worked on projects all over the world.


7. Our company specializes in engineering solutions for the aerospace industry.


8. The engineering of the building was carefully planned to withstand earthquakes.


9. She's pursuing a master's degree in chemical engineering.


10. The engineering of the new car model focuses on fuel efficiency and safety features.


11. 工程师团队正在努力解决这个设计问题。

(The engineering team is working hard to solve this design issue.)

12. 他在大学主修机械工程。

(He majored in mechanical engineering at university.)

13. 这座大桥的工程设计是非常复杂的。

(The engineering design of this bridge is very complex.)

14. 她在国际工程公司担任高级项目经理。

(She works as a senior project manager at an international engineering company.)

15. 这家公司专门从事环境工程项目。

(This company specializes in environmental engineering projects.)

16. 这个软件是由我们的工程团队开发的。

(This software was developed by our engineering team.)

17. 他的工程技术使得这项项目得以顺利完成。

(His engineering expertise allowed the project to be completed successfully.)

18. 工程师们正在设计一种新型的节能灯。

(The engineers are designing a new type of energy-efficient light bulb.)

19. 这所大学有一个优秀的工程学院。

(The university has an excellent engineering school.)

20. 工程学是一门充满挑战和创造力的学科。

(Engineering is a challenging and creative discipline.)

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