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时间: 2024-11-10 13:08:47


1. 这位著名的作家在文学界享有很高的声誉。

This famous writer is highly regarded in the literary world.

2. 她是一位著名的演员,曾经获得过多个奖项。

She is a famous actress who has won multiple awards.

3. 这座城市以著名的历史建筑而闻名。

The city is famous for its historic buildings.

4. 他是一位著名的科学家,对物理学有着重大的贡献。

He is a famous scientist who has made significant contributions to physics.

5. 这家餐厅以其著名的特色菜而受到顾客的喜爱。

The restaurant is popular with customers for its famous signature dishes.

6. 这本书是一部著名的文学作品,被翻译成多种语言。

This book is a famous literary work that has been translated into multiple languages.

7. 她是一位著名的歌手,曾在世界各地举办演唱会。

She is a famous singer who has performed concerts around the world.

8. 这家公司是一家著名的汽车制造商,产品畅销全球。

The company is a famous car manufacturer, with products selling well globally.

9. 这位艺术家的作品被收藏在世界各地的博物馆里,他是一位著名的画家。

The artist's works are collected in museums around the world, and he is a famous painter.

10. 这位著名的导演执导了多部成功的电影。

The famous director has directed several successful movies.

11. 这座山脉以其著名的登山路线而吸引着大批登山爱好者。

The mountain range attracts many climbers with its famous climbing routes.

12. 这位著名的企业家创办了一家成功的公司。

The famous entrepreneur founded a successful company.

13. 这家酒庄以其著名的葡萄酒而闻名。

The winery is famous for its renowned wines.

14. 她是一位著名的设计师,她的作品在时尚界备受瞩目。

She is a famous designer, and her work is highly regarded in the fashion industry.

15. 这位著名的演员在影视界有着广泛的影响力。

The famous actor has a wide influence in the film and television industry.

16. 这家博物馆以其著名的艺术收藏而闻名。

The museum is famous for its renowned art collection.

17. 这位著名的运动员曾获得过多项冠军。

The famous athlete has won multiple championships.

18. 这个地区以其著名的美食而吸引着许多游客。

The region attracts many tourists with its famous cuisine.

19. 这位著名的教授在学术界享有很高的声誉。

The famous professor is highly regarded in the academic world.

20. 这部电影是一部著名的经典作品,被誉为影视史上的里程碑。

The movie is a famous classic and is considered a milestone in film history.

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