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时间: 2024-10-02 14:38:57


1. 他喜欢吃杂碎,觉得很美味。

He likes to eat offal and thinks it's delicious.

2. 这家餐馆的特色菜是猪肚杂碎。

The specialty of this restaurant is pig stomach offal.

3. 她在烹饪杂碎时加了一些特别的调料。

She added some special seasonings when cooking the offal.

4. 这道菜用了各种各样的杂碎,口感非常丰富。

This dish uses a variety of offal, and the taste is very rich.

5. 杂碎汤是我最喜欢的一道菜。

Offal soup is my favorite dish.

6. 他的招牌菜是猪肝杂碎炒饭。

His signature dish is fried rice with pig liver offal.

7. 她把杂碎炖得非常入味。

She stewed the offal very deliciously.

8. 这家小吃店的杂碎面非常有名。

The offal noodles in this snack bar are very famous.

9. 他喜欢在早餐里加一些杂碎。

He likes to add some offal to his breakfast.

10. 这道菜用了鸡心、鸡肝和鸡肠等各种杂碎。

This dish uses a variety of offal such as chicken heart, liver, and intestines.

11. 他们家的杂碎炒饭很好吃。

Their offal fried rice is delicious.

12. 这家餐厅的杂碎火锅非常受欢迎。

The offal hotpot in this restaurant is very popular.

13. 这个地方的特色菜是牛杂碎串。

The specialty of this place is skewers of beef offal.

14. 我妈妈做的猪肚杂碎汤非常好喝。

The pig stomach offal soup made by my mother is very delicious.

15. 这家饭店的猪肝杂碎炒面很受欢迎。

The pig liver offal fried noodles in this restaurant are very popular.

16. 他不喜欢吃杂碎,觉得太腥了。

He doesn't like to eat offal, he thinks it's too fishy.

17. 这个地方的杂碎烤串很有特色。

The offal skewers at this place are very unique.

18. 她会把各种杂碎混在一起做成一道菜。

She will mix various offal together to make a dish.

19. 这家餐馆的杂碎煲非常好吃。

The offal casserole in this restaurant is very delicious.

20. 他喜欢烹饪各种各样的杂碎。

He likes to cook all kinds of offal.

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