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时间: 2024-06-10 07:44:07


1. 他的眼力很好,可以迅速找到隐藏的东西。

His eyesight is very good, he can quickly find hidden things.

2. 这个游戏需要很好的眼力和反应能力。

This game requires good eyesight and quick reflexes.

3. 她的眼力很差,经常需要戴眼镜。

Her eyesight is very poor, she often needs to wear glasses.

4. 这个任务需要良好的眼力和耐心。

This task requires good eyesight and patience.

5. 他通过艰苦的训练提高了自己的眼力。

He improved his eyesight through rigorous training.

6. 她的眼力在暗光下也很强。

Her eyesight is also strong in low light.

7. 他因为良好的眼力而成为了一名优秀的射手。

He became an excellent shooter because of his good eyesight.

8. 他通过锻炼和营养改善了自己的眼力。

He improved his eyesight through exercise and nutrition.

9. 这个游戏需要敏锐的眼力和灵活的手指。

This game requires sharp eyesight and nimble fingers.

10. 她的眼力在年纪大了之后有所下降。

Her eyesight has declined as she has gotten older.

11. 他的眼力很好,可以迅速发现远处的细微变化。

His eyesight is very good, he can quickly spot subtle changes in the distance.

12. 她因为良好的眼力而成为了一名出色的画家。

She became an excellent painter because of her good eyesight.

13. 他的眼力在黑暗中也很敏锐。

His eyesight is also sharp in the dark.

14. 这个任务需要优秀的眼力和专注力。

This task requires excellent eyesight and concentration.

15. 他的眼力在日常生活中非常有帮助。

His eyesight is very helpful in everyday life.

16. 这个游戏对眼力有很高的要求。

This game has a high demand for eyesight.

17. 他的眼力在年轻时非常好,但随着年龄增长有所下降。

His eyesight was very good when he was young, but it has declined with age.

18. 她的眼力在日间和夜间都很好。

Her eyesight is good both during the day and at night.

19. 这个测试可以帮助你了解自己的眼力水平。

This test can help you understand your level of eyesight.

20. 他的眼力在光线不足的环境下也很强。

His eyesight is also strong in low light environments.

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