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时间: 2024-07-02 10:23:11


Certainly! "Abnegation" means the act of renouncing or rejecting something, typically self-interest or pleasure. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. She lived a life of abnegation, always putting others' needs before her own. 她过着自我放弃的生活,总是把别人的需求放在自己之前。

2. His abnegation of wealth and luxury surprised everyone who knew him. 他对财富和奢华的拒绝让所有认识他的人都感到惊讶。

3. The monk practiced abnegation by giving away all his possessions. 那位僧侣通过放弃所有财产来修行。

4. The political leader's abnegation of power was seen as a rare act of humility. 那位政治领袖的放弃权力被视为一种罕见的谦逊之举。

5. Despite the temptation, he maintained his abnegation of worldly pleasures. 尽管诱惑很大,他仍然保持对世俗享乐的拒绝。

6. The decision to live in abnegation required immense discipline and dedication. 过着自我放弃生活的决定需要极大的自律和奉献精神。

7. Their abnegation of comfort in favor of simplicity resonated with their minimalist philosophy. 他们为了简朴而放弃了舒适的选择与他们的极简主义哲学相一致。

8. The act of abnegation in relinquishing her dreams for her family left her with mixed emotions. 放弃自己的梦想以换取家庭幸福的行为让她心情复杂。

9. The athlete showed great abnegation in training tirelessly for the upcoming competition. 运动员在为即将到来的比赛中不知疲倦地训练,表现出极大的自我放弃精神。

10. Their community valued abnegation as a virtue essential for communal harmony. 他们的社区将自我放弃视为维护社会和谐所必需的美德。

11. The artist's abnegation of fame allowed his work to speak for itself. 艺术家不追求名利,让他的作品自己说话。

12. The soldiers displayed remarkable abnegation in facing danger to protect their country. 士兵们在面对危险保护国家时表现出了非凡的自我放弃精神。

13. The CEO's abnegation of extravagant expenses set a precedent for fiscal responsibility in the company. CEO对奢侈开支的拒绝为公司的财政责任树立了榜样。

14. Religious vows often include elements of abnegation to emphasize devotion and humility. 宗教誓言通常包括自我放弃的元素,以强调虔诚和谦卑。

15. Through abnegation, she found a deeper sense of purpose in serving others. 通过自我放弃,她在为他人服务中找到了更深的目标感。


上一个 【英语】abnegate的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】renege的例句



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