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时间: 2024-07-02 10:23:11


Sure, here are 15 sentences using the word "noxious" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The noxious fumes from the factory made it difficult to breathe. (工厂排放的有毒烟雾让人难以呼吸。)

2. She had to wear a mask to protect herself from the noxious chemicals. (她不得不戴上口罩以保护自己免受有毒化学品的伤害。)

3. The river had become polluted with noxious waste from nearby industries. (这条河因附近工业的有毒废物而受到污染。)

4. The plant emitted a noxious odor that could be smelled from miles away. (这种植物散发出一种有毒的气味,能够在数英里外被闻到。)

5. Certain species of mushrooms are known to produce noxious gases when decaying. (某些种类的蘑菇在腐烂时会产生有毒气体。)

6. The noxious weeds were choking out the native plants in the garden. (有毒的杂草正在花园里扼杀当地的植物。)

7. Exposure to noxious substances can have long-term health effects. (接触有毒物质可能会导致长期健康影响。)

8. The landlord was fined for failing to remove the noxious mold from the rental property. (房东因未能清除出租房屋中的有毒霉菌而被罚款。)

9. She complained to the city council about the noxious noise coming from the construction site. (她向市议会投诉施工现场传来的刺耳噪音。)

10. Noxious rumors spread quickly through the small town, causing panic. (有毒的谣言迅速在小镇上传播,引起了恐慌。)

11. The factory was shut down due to its noxious impact on the surrounding environment. (由于工厂对周围环境的有毒影响,工厂被关闭了。)

12. The river was contaminated by noxious chemicals dumped by the company upstream. (这条河被上游公司排放的有毒化学品污染了。)

13. The scientist wore protective gear to handle the noxious substances safely. (科学家穿着防护装备以安全处理有毒物质。)

14. Residents were advised to evacuate the area due to the noxious gas leak. (居民因有毒气体泄漏而被建议撤离该地区。)

15. The government implemented stricter regulations to control the disposal of noxious waste. (政府实施更严格的法规来控制有毒废物的处理。)

These sentences provide various contexts in which "noxious" can be used, illustrating its meaning as something harmful, toxic, or offensive to health or morals.

上一个 【英语】innocuity的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】obnoxious的例句



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