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时间: 2024-07-02 10:23:11


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "obnoxious" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. His obnoxious behavior at the party offended many guests.

- 他在派对上的讨厌行为冒犯了许多客人。

2. The movie was ruined by its obnoxious characters.

- 这部电影因为其讨厌的角色而毁了。

3. I find his constant bragging obnoxious.

- 我觉得他不停地自吹自擂很讨厌。

4. She had an obnoxious habit of interrupting people mid-sentence.

- 她有个让人讨厌的习惯,就是在别人讲话时插话。

5. The obnoxious smell from the garbage made it unbearable to be outside.

- 垃圾发出的难闻气味使得外出难以忍受。

6. His obnoxious sense of entitlement made him unpopular among his colleagues.

- 他那种让人讨厌的优越感让他在同事中不受欢迎。

7. The restaurant had to ask the obnoxious customer to leave.

- 餐馆不得不请那位讨厌的顾客离开。

8. The obnoxious noise from the construction site kept us awake all night.

- 建筑工地发出的讨厌噪音让我们整夜都无法入睡。

9. He had an obnoxious habit of chewing with his mouth open.

- 他有个让人讨厌的习惯,就是张着嘴嚼东西。

10. The politician's obnoxious remarks caused a public outcry.

- 那位政治家的讨厌言论引起了公众的强烈抗议。

11. Her obnoxious laughter echoed through the room.

- 她那讨厌的笑声在房间里回荡。

12. The novel portrays an obnoxious villain who delights in others' suffering.

- 小说中描绘了一个讨厌的反派,喜欢看别人受苦。

13. His obnoxious attitude towards authority figures often got him into trouble.

- 他对权威人物的讨厌态度经常让他惹上麻烦。

14. The website is filled with obnoxious pop-up ads.

- 这个网站充斥着讨厌的弹出广告。

15. The comedian's jokes were not funny; they were simply obnoxious.

- 那个喜剧演员的笑话并不好笑,只是让人讨厌而已。


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