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时间: 2024-07-02 10:23:11



1. Her innocence and innocuity were evident in the way she approached every situation. (她在处理每一种情况时所展示的无辜和清白是显而易见的。)

2. The child's innocuity was refreshing amidst the complexities of adult life. (在成人生活的复杂中,孩子的天真无邪是一种清新的存在。)

3. He spoke with a rare innocuity that made people trust him instantly. (他说话的那种罕见的清白让人们立刻信任他。)

4. The story captures the innocuity of youth and the harsh realities of growing up. (这个故事捕捉到了青春的天真无邪和成长的残酷现实。)

5. Despite her age, her eyes still held the spark of innocuity. (尽管她已年过花甲,她的眼中仍然闪烁着天真的光芒。)

6. The innocence and innocuity of his actions were touching and sincere. (他的行为展示出的天真和清白是动人和真诚的。)

7. The character's innocuity was his greatest strength and his biggest vulnerability. (这个角色的天真无邪是他最大的优点,也是他最大的弱点。)

8. The artist's work captures the beauty of nature with a sense of pure innocuity. (这位艺术家的作品以一种纯粹的天真无邪捕捉到了自然的美丽。)

9. The innocuity of her smile melted even the sternest hearts in the room. (她笑容中的天真无邪甚至融化了房间里最严肃的心。)

10. His speech was marked by an innocuity that disarmed all suspicion. (他的讲话充满了一种天真无邪,使所有的怀疑都消失了。)

11. The film portrays the loss of innocuity in a world plagued by corruption. (这部电影描绘了在一个被腐败困扰的世界中失去天真无邪的过程。)

12. She viewed the world with the same innocuity as a child, despite her years. (尽管年岁已高,她仍像孩子一样天真无邪地看待这个世界。)

13. His innocuity was mistaken for ignorance, but he understood more than he let on. (他的天真无邪被误认为是无知,但实际上他了解的比表面显示的要多。)

14. The painting captures the essence of youth with a touch of innocuity. (这幅画以一丝天真无邪捕捉到了青春的精髓。)

15. Despite the challenges she faced, her spirit retained its core innocuity. (尽管她面对重重挑战,她的精神仍保持着最初的天真无邪。)


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