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时间: 2024-07-02 10:23:11



1. The new policy had a nocuous effect on the company's profitability. (新政策对公司的盈利能力产生了有害影响。)

2. Smoking is nocuous to your health. (吸烟对你的健康有害。)

3. The chemical spill had nocuous consequences for the local wildlife. (化学泄漏对当地野生动物造成了有害后果。)

4. Excessive sugar consumption can be nocuous over time. (过量摄入糖分会随时间积累产生不良影响。)

5. The nocuous influence of misinformation can be far-reaching. (错误信息的有害影响可能会影响甚广。)

6. They were unaware of the nocuous effects of the pesticide on the environment. (他们未意识到农药对环境的有害影响。)

7. Lack of exercise can have nocuous effects on one's physical health. (缺乏运动会对身体健康产生不良影响。)

8. The nocuous odor from the factory made the residents complain. (工厂散发的刺鼻气味引起居民的抱怨。)

9. Nocuous habits like procrastination can hinder personal growth. (拖延等不良习惯会阻碍个人成长。)

10. The economic downturn had a nocuous impact on small businesses. (经济衰退对小企业产生了有害影响。)

11. Researchers are studying the nocuous effects of screen time on children's development. (研究人员正在研究屏幕时间对儿童发展的有害影响。)

12. Exposure to certain chemicals can be nocuous if safety precautions aren't followed. (接触某些化学物质如果不遵循安全预防措施可能会有害。)

13. The nocuous side effects of the medication were unexpected. (药物的有害副作用令人意外。)

14. Overuse of antibiotics can lead to nocuous consequences for public health. (滥用抗生素可能对公共健康造成有害后果。)

15. The nocuous behaviors of some individuals can disrupt group dynamics. (某些人的有害行为可能会破坏团体动态。)


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