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时间: 2024-07-02 10:23:11


Certainly! 这里有关于“innocence”(无辜)的15个例句及其中文解释:

1. She maintained her innocence throughout the trial. (她在整个审判过程中坚称自己无辜。)

2. The child's innocence was evident in his trusting smile. (孩子那信任的微笑显示了他的纯真。)

3. He was found guilty despite his protestations of innocence. (尽管他声称无辜,他还是被判有罪。)

4. The novel captures the loss of innocence during wartime. (这部小说捕捉到了战争期间失去纯真的情感。)

5. She gazed at the world with wide-eyed innocence. (她以纯真无邪的眼光凝视着这个世界。)

6. His innocence was proven when new evidence emerged. (当新证据出现时,他的清白得到了证实。)

7. The innocence of childhood is often treasured by adults. (成年人常常珍视童年的无邪。)

8. The puppy's playful antics were a picture of innocence. (小狗顽皮的举动展现出它的天真无邪。)

9. They were drawn to each other by their shared innocence. (他们因彼此的纯真而互相吸引。)

10. She could not hide her innocence; it radiated from her like a glow. (她无法隐藏她的纯真,它像一道光芒一样从她身上散发出来。)

11. The innocence of the witness was beyond doubt. (证人的清白是毋庸置疑的。)

12. He approached the situation with the innocence of a child. (他以孩子般的天真态度面对这个局面。)

13. The innocence in his voice was disarming. (他声音中的纯真让人无法防备。)

14. The painting captured the innocence of youth in vivid detail. (这幅画以生动细致的方式捕捉到了青春的天真。)

15. They sought to protect her innocence from the harsh realities of life. (他们试图保护她,不让她面对生活中的残酷现实。)


上一个 【英语】denigration的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】nocuous的例句



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