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时间: 2024-07-02 10:23:11


Certainly! "Cognate" 是一个英语词汇,指的是与其他语言中的词有同源关系的词。这里有一些关于"cognate"的例句及其中文解释:

1. English and German are cognate languages, sharing many similarities in vocabulary and grammar. (英语和德语是同源语言,词汇和语法有许多相似之处。)

2. The word "mother" in English is cognate with "Mutter" in German. (英语中的单词“mother”与德语中的“Mutter”同源。)

3. Linguists study cognate words to trace the historical development of languages. (语言学家研究同源词来追溯语言的历史发展。)

4. Spanish and Italian have many cognate words due to their common Latin heritage. (西班牙语和意大利语由于共同的拉丁语起源,有许多同源词。)

5. Recognizing cognate words can help language learners understand new vocabulary more easily. (识别同源词可以帮助语言学习者更容易地理解新的词汇。)

6. The scientist used cognate terms from different languages to explain the universal concept. (科学家使用来自不同语言的同源术语来解释这一普遍概念。)

7. Many scientific terms in English have cognates in Latin or Greek. (英语中许多科学术语在拉丁语或希腊语中有同源词。)

8. Studying cognate languages helps researchers reconstruct ancient texts more accurately. (研究同源语言有助于研究人员更准确地重建古代文本。)

9. The lawyer specialized in international law and was familiar with cognate legal terms in multiple languages. (这位律师专门从事国际法,并熟悉多种语言中的同源法律术语。)

10. Cognate languages often have similar phonetic patterns despite their geographical separation. (尽管地理上分离,同源语言通常具有相似的语音模式。)

11. Learning about cognate words can deepen one's appreciation of cultural and linguistic connections. (了解同源词可以加深人们对文化和语言联系的理解。)

12. Historical linguistics relies on cognate analysis to reconstruct language families and their evolution. (历史语言学依靠同源分析来重建语系及其演变。)

13. The professor explained the concept using cognate terms from several ancient languages. (教授使用几种古代语言的同源术语来解释这一概念。)

14. Some cognate words retain similar meanings across different languages over centuries. (一些同源词在几个世纪中保持着跨语言的相似含义。)

15. The study of cognate languages reveals fascinating patterns of linguistic evolution. (研究同源语言揭示了语言演变的迷人模式。)


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