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时间: 2024-07-02 10:23:11



1. The apartment complex had a communal garden where residents could grow vegetables together. (公寓大楼有一个共用的花园,居民们可以一起种菜。)

2. They lived in a communal house where everyone shared cooking duties. (他们住在一所合住的房子里,大家分享做饭的责任。)

3. The village had a communal well for drinking water. (这个村子有一口共用的水井供应饮用水。)

4. The company provided communal bicycles for employees to use during breaks. (公司提供了共用的自行车,供员工在休息时间使用。)

5. They gathered around a communal fireplace to stay warm during the winter. (他们围在一起的共用壁炉旁,在冬天保持温暖。)

6. The library had a communal study area with desks and chairs for students. (图书馆设有共用的学习区,为学生们提供桌椅。)

7. The communal spirit of the neighborhood was evident during the annual street festival. (邻里之间的共同精神在每年的街头节日中表现得很明显。)

8. The communal effort to clean up the park brought the community closer together. (共同努力清理公园使社区更加团结。)

9. The monastery had a communal dining hall where monks ate their meals together. (修道院有一个共用的餐厅,僧侣们一起进餐。)

10. In some cultures, families have communal traditions where multiple generations live together. (在某些文化中,家庭有共同的传统,多代人共同居住。)

11. The cooperative apartment complex had communal ownership of the common areas. (合作公寓大楼的公共区域是共同所有的。)

12. The commune practiced communal farming methods to ensure everyone had enough to eat. (该公社实行共产主义农业方法,确保每个人都有足够的食物。)

13. They held a communal prayer service for peace and unity. (他们举行了一场为了和平与团结而举行的共同祈祷仪式。)

14. The hostel had communal bathrooms on each floor for guests to use. (旅馆每层楼都有共用的浴室供客人使用。)

15. The cooperative living arrangement involved communal decision-making for major issues. (合作生活安排涉及共同决策重大问题。)


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