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时间: 2024-07-02 10:23:11



1. The permutations of ABC are ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, and CBA.


2. He studied the permutations of a 3x3 Rubik's cube to understand its complexity.

- 他研究了3x3魔方的排列组合,以理解其复杂性。

3. There are 6 permutations of the letters in the word "ACT".

- 单词“ACT”的字母有6种排列方式。

4. In mathematics, permutation refers to the act of rearranging objects or symbols in a specific order.

- 在数学中,“permutation”指重新排列对象或符号的特定顺序。

5. The permutations of the numbers 1, 2, and 3 are 6 in total.

- 数字1、2和3的排列方式总共有6种。

6. Finding all possible permutations is crucial for solving many combinatorial problems.

- 找出所有可能的排列对于解决许多组合问题至关重要。

7. The permutation of duties among team members helped improve efficiency.

- 团队成员之间职责的重新分配有助于提高效率。

8. Each permutation represents a unique arrangement of elements from a set.

- 每个排列代表了来自集合中元素的独特排列。

9. The permutations of colors in the artwork created different moods and impressions.

- 艺术作品中颜色的排列产生了不同的情绪和印象。

10. She explored all possible permutations of ingredients for the new recipe.

- 她探索了新食谱中所有可能的配料组合。

11. The software generates permutations of keywords to enhance search engine optimization.

- 这款软件生成关键词的排列,以提升搜索引擎优化效果。

12. Permutations of seating arrangements were tested to find the optimal layout for the conference.

- 会议座位安排的排列组合进行了测试,以找到最佳布局。

13. The permutation of roles within the organization brought about positive changes in team dynamics.

- 组织内部角色的重新排列在团队动态方面带来了积极变化。

14. Understanding the permutations of genetic traits is crucial in predicting hereditary patterns.

- 理解遗传特征的排列对于预测遗传模式至关重要。

15. The students were asked to calculate the number of permutations possible with a deck of cards.

- 学生们被要求计算一副牌可能的排列数量。


上一个 【英语】permute的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】transmute的例句



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