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时间: 2024-07-02 10:23:11



1. They liked to commune with nature by hiking in the mountains. (他们喜欢通过在山上徒步来与大自然交流。)

2. She liked to commune with her thoughts during her morning walks. (她喜欢在早晨散步时与自己的思想交流。)

3. The monks would commune silently during their daily meditation sessions. (僧侣们在他们的日常冥想中默默交流。)

4. The artist communed with his canvas, expressing his emotions through paint. (艺术家与他的画布交流,通过颜料表达他的情感。)

5. As he communed with the ancient ruins, he felt a deep connection to the past. (当他与古代废墟交流时,他感受到与过去的深刻连接。)


6. The small village formed a commune to manage shared resources. (这个小村庄组成了一个公社来管理共享资源。)

7. In the 1960s, some young people chose to live in communes as a form of social experiment. (在20世纪60年代,一些年轻人选择住在公社作为一种社会实验。)

8. The commune held regular meetings to discuss community issues. (公社定期举行会议讨论社区问题。)

9. The artist's studio became a commune of creativity, where ideas flowed freely. (艺术家的工作室成为了一个创造性的公社,思想自由地流动。)

10. She found solace in the commune of like-minded individuals. (她在志同道合的人的公社中找到了安慰。)


11. They were able to commune their love for music through their band. (他们通过乐队传达他们对音乐的热爱。)

12. He communes regularly with his business partners to strategize for the future. (他定期与他的商业伙伴交流,为未来制定战略。)

13. The book club served as a place where members could commune over their shared passion for literature. (读书俱乐部是一个会员们可以因共同对文学的热爱而交流的地方。)

14. The commune of ideas among scientists led to groundbreaking discoveries. (科学家之间的思想交流导致了开创性的发现。)

15. At the commune of the conference, experts from different fields exchanged valuable insights. (在会议的讨论中,来自不同领域的专家们交换了宝贵的见解。)


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