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时间: 2024-07-02 10:23:11


Certainly! "Munificent" means very generous or liberal in giving; characterized by great generosity.

Here are 15 sentences using "munificent" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The philanthropist made a munificent donation to the hospital, allowing them to upgrade their facilities.(那位慈善家向医院慷慨捐赠,使他们能够升级设施。)

2. His munificent gesture touched the hearts of everyone in the community.(他慷慨的举动打动了社区里每个人的心。)

3. The company offered its employees munificent bonuses this year due to record profits.(由于创纪录的利润,公司今年给员工提供了慷慨的奖金。)

4. The king was known for his munificent patronage of the arts, sponsoring many talented artists.(国王因慷慨资助艺术而闻名,赞助了许多有才华的艺术家。)

5. Despite his wealth, he was not munificent and rarely donated to charitable causes.(尽管富有,他并不慷慨,很少向慈善事业捐款。)

6. Her munificent scholarship program enabled hundreds of underprivileged students to attend college.(她慷慨的奖学金计划使数百名贫困学生能够上大学。)

7. The billionaire's munificent endowment to the university ensured its financial stability for generations to come.(亿万富翁对大学的慷慨捐赠确保了其未来几代人的财务稳定。)

8. They were grateful for the government's munificent support during the crisis.(他们对政府在危机期间的慷慨支持表示感激。)

9. The queen's munificent hospitality made the visiting dignitaries feel truly welcome.(女王慷慨的款待让到访的贵宾感到真正受到欢迎。)

10. Despite their modest income, they were always munificent in sharing what they had with others.(尽管收入不高,他们总是慷慨地与他人分享他们所拥有的。)

11. His munificent spirit extended beyond material possessions to encompass acts of kindness and compassion.(他的慷慨精神不仅限于物质财富,还包括善良和同情的行为。)

12. The company's munificent benefits package attracted top talent from around the world.(公司慷慨的福利待遇吸引了来自世界各地的顶尖人才。)

13. The emperor's munificent decree granted amnesty to all political prisoners.(皇帝的慷慨诏令赦免了所有政治犯。)

14. Their wedding reception was a munificent affair, with lavish decorations and gourmet cuisine.(他们的婚礼接待非常慷慨,装饰豪华,美食佳肴。)

15. The munificent offer of a full scholarship made her dreams of studying abroad finally come true.(提供全额奖学金的慷慨提议使她的出国留学梦想最终实现了。)


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