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时间: 2024-07-02 10:23:11


"nigritude" 是一个不太常见的词汇,通常指黑色或黑暗的状态。以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. The cave was filled with a deep nigritude that made it impossible to see anything. (洞穴里充满了深邃的黑暗,令人无法看见任何东西。)

2. His room was painted in a shade of nigritude that gave it a somber atmosphere. (他的房间被涂成一种黑暗的色调,给人一种阴沉的氛围。)

3. The sky turned to nigritude as the storm clouds gathered. (天空在暴风云聚集时变得漆黑一片。)

4. In the depths of the forest, the nigritude of night seemed even more intense. (在森林的深处,夜晚的黑暗显得更加浓重。)

5. The artist used shades of nigritude to depict the melancholy of the scene. (艺术家运用黑暗的色调来描绘场景的忧郁氛围。)

6. The old castle was shrouded in nigritude under the moonless sky. (在没有月光的夜晚,古老的城堡被黑暗所笼罩。)

7. The book cover was a simple design, with the title embossed in nigritude letters. (书的封面设计简单,标题用黑色字体凸显。)

8. The horror movie relied on nigritude scenes to create a chilling atmosphere. (这部恐怖电影依靠黑暗的场景营造出恐怖的氛围。)

9. The city's lights disappeared into the nigritude of the night as seen from the hilltop. (从山顶望去,城市的灯光消失在夜晚的黑暗中。)

10. His mood reflected the nigritude of his circumstances. (他的情绪反映了他处境的黑暗。)

11. The poem was filled with imagery of nigritude, symbolizing despair and loss. (这首诗充满了关于黑暗的意象,象征着绝望与失落。)

12. The artist used charcoal to capture the nigritude of the coal miner's face. (艺术家用炭画捕捉了煤矿工人脸上的黑暗表情。)

13. The writer's words painted a picture of nigritude that mirrored the character's inner turmoil. (作家的文字描绘了一幅反映人物内心困扰的黑暗画面。)

14. The lake's surface reflected the nigritude of the stormy sky above. (湖面反映出上方暴风雨云层的黑暗。)

15. Despite the nigritude of the situation, there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes. (尽管处境黑暗,但他眼中仍有一丝希望的光芒。)


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