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时间: 2024-07-02 10:23:11


当然,请看以下关于 "immunity" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. The vaccine provides immunity against the flu virus. (这种疫苗提供了对流感病毒的免疫力。)

2. He developed immunity to chickenpox after having the disease as a child. (他在小时候得过水痘后获得了免疫力。)

3. Diplomats often enjoy diplomatic immunity in foreign countries. (外交官在外国通常享有外交豁免权。)

4. Regular exercise can boost your immunity. (定期锻炼可以增强你的免疫力。)

5. Legal immunity was granted to witnesses who testified in the trial. (在审判中,给予了作证者法律豁免权。)

6. She had no immunity to the new strain of the virus. (她对新毒株没有免疫力。)

7. The law provides immunity to certain types of online content providers. (法律为某些类型的在线内容提供者提供了豁免权。)

8. The child's immunity to measles was compromised due to a weakened immune system. (由于免疫系统虚弱,这个孩子对麻疹的免疫力受到了影响。)

9. They argued that the defendants should not receive immunity from prosecution. (他们认为被告不应该获得起诉的豁免权。)

10. The new drug enhances natural immunity against infections. (这种新药增强了对感染的自然免疫力。)

11. Some people have a genetic predisposition to lower immunity. (有些人天生免疫力较低。)

12. Legal immunity shields public officials from personal liability in certain situations. (法律豁免权在某些情况下保护公务员免受个人责任。)

13. The organization provides immunity to its members from certain legal consequences. (该组织为其成员提供某些法律后果的豁免权。)

14. An important factor in vaccine development is inducing long-lasting immunity. (疫苗开发的一个重要因素是诱导长期免疫力。)

15. The research aims to understand how stress affects immunity. (这项研究旨在了解压力如何影响免疫系统。)

希望这些例句能帮助您更好地理解和使用 "immunity" 这个词汇!

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