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时间: 2024-09-20 11:56:20


1. 我们一家人在乡村度过了一个欢畅的周末。

We had a delightful weekend in the countryside as a family.

2. 孩子们在游乐场玩得欢畅极了。

The children had a great time playing at the amusement park.

3. 他们在派对上欢畅地跳舞。

They danced merrily at the party.

4. 今天的聚会真是欢畅愉快。

Today's gathering was truly delightful.

5. 她的笑容让整个房间充满了欢畅的气氛。

Her smile filled the room with a cheerful atmosphere.

6. 这个音乐会带来了欢畅的音乐和愉快的氛围。

The concert brought delightful music and a joyful atmosphere.

7. 我们在海滩上度过了一个欢畅的一天。

We had a delightful day at the beach.

8. 他们在户外野餐时欢畅地笑着。

They laughed merrily while having an outdoor picnic.

9. 她对生活充满了欢畅的态度。

She has a cheerful attitude towards life.

10. 这本书让我感到欢畅无比。

This book brings me great delight.

11. 在这个美丽的花园里,我感到欢畅无比。

In this beautiful garden, I feel immense delight.

12. 我们在山上散步时感到非常欢畅。

We felt very cheerful while walking in the mountains.

13. 这个小镇有一种欢畅的氛围。

This small town has a cheerful atmosphere.

14. 在这个快乐的节日里,人们都欢畅地跳舞。

People danced merrily during this joyful festival.

15. 我们在乡村散步时感到非常欢畅。

We felt very delightful while walking in the countryside.

16. 这个节日为人们带来了欢畅和喜悦。

This festival brought delight and joy to people.

17. 她的欢畅笑容感染了周围的人。

Her cheerful smile infected those around her.

18. 他们在度假村度过了一个欢畅的假期。

They had a delightful vacation at the resort.

19. 这个小镇上的人们总是欢畅地迎接游客。

The people in this town always welcome tourists cheerfully.

20. 在这个美好的夜晚,我们感到无比欢畅。

On this beautiful evening, we felt immensely delightful.

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