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时间: 2024-09-20 10:12:11


1. 他为了生计不得已偷生。

He had to resort to stealing for a living.

2. 她年轻时曾经偷生过。

She resorted to thievery when she was young.

3. 他们不得不偷生以维持生计。

They had to resort to stealing to make ends meet.

4. 在艰难的时候,人们常常不得不偷生。

In difficult times, people often have to resort to desperate measures.

5. 她因为生活困难而不得不偷生。

She had to resort to stealing because of the hardships in life.

6. 在那个贫困的地区,很多人只能偷生。

In that impoverished area, many people can only resort to desperate measures.

7. 他为了糊口不得不偷生。

He had to resort to stealing to make a living.

8. 在战争年代,很多人不得不偷生。

During wartime, many people had to resort to desperate measures.

9. 他们被逼到只能偷生了。

They were forced into a corner and had to resort to desperate measures.

10. 这个孩子没有选择,只能偷生。

The child had no choice but to resort to desperate measures.

11. 因为贫困,他们只能偷生。

Because of poverty, they had to resort to desperate measures.

12. 在那个时期,很多人只能偷生。

During that period, many people had to resort to desperate measures.

13. 他们为了生存不得不偷生。

They had to resort to stealing for survival.

14. 在那个困难的时期,很多人只能偷生。

During that difficult period, many people had to resort to desperate measures.

15. 这个家庭不得不偷生以维持生计。

This family had to resort to stealing to make ends meet.

16. 她因为困境不得不偷生。

She had to resort to stealing because of the adversity.

17. 在那个贫困的地区,很多人只能偷生。

In that impoverished area, many people can only resort to desperate measures.

18. 他们为了生计只能偷生。

They had to resort to stealing for a living.

19. 在那个时期,很多人只能偷生。

During that period, many people had to resort to desperate measures.

20. 他们被逼到只能偷生了。

They were forced into a corner and had to resort to desperate measures.

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