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时间: 2024-09-20 10:09:17


1. 这座城市坐落在壮丽的山海之间。

This city is nestled between majestic mountains and the sea.

2. 他们在山海之间建立了一座美丽的度假村。

They built a beautiful resort between the mountains and the sea.

3. 我们计划在山海之间徒步旅行一周。

We plan to go hiking between the mountains and the sea for a week.

4. 山海之间的风景真是美不胜收。

The scenery between the mountains and the sea is truly breathtaking.

5. 山海之间的气候变化很大。

The climate between the mountains and the sea varies greatly.

6. 山海之间有着丰富的自然资源。

There are abundant natural resources between the mountains and the sea.

7. 这个小镇坐落在壮丽的山海之间。

The town is nestled between majestic mountains and the sea.

8. 山海之间的海滩是个度假的好去处。

The beaches between the mountains and the sea are a great vacation spot.

9. 我们在山海之间找到了一个隐秘的小渔村。

We found a secluded fishing village between the mountains and the sea.

10. 山海之间的空气清新宜人。

The air is fresh and pleasant between the mountains and the sea.

11. 他们在山海之间的小镇建立了一家度假酒店。

They set up a resort hotel in the town between the mountains and the sea.

12. 我们在山海之间的山顶上搭起了帐篷。

We pitched our tent on the mountaintop between the mountains and the sea.

13. 这里有许多传说和故事讲述山海之间的奇观。

There are many legends and stories about the wonders between the mountains and the sea.

14. 在山海之间的小路上漫步是一种享受。

Taking a stroll on the path between the mountains and the sea is a delight.

15. 山海之间的风景如诗如画。

The scenery between the mountains and the sea is like a painting.

16. 我们沿着山海之间的小径徒步旅行。

We hiked along the trail between the mountains and the sea.

17. 山海之间的村庄宁静而美丽。

The village between the mountains and the sea is peaceful and beautiful.

18. 山海之间的日出是一种奇妙的体验。

The sunrise between the mountains and the sea is a wonderful experience.

19. 这个地区以壮丽的山海之间而闻名。

The region is famous for the majestic mountains and the sea.

20. 山海之间的生态系统非常丰富多样。

The ecosystem between the mountains and the sea is incredibly diverse.

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