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时间: 2024-09-20 07:25:42


1. 我不喜欢她,太娘们了。

I don't like her, she's too bossy.

2. 她是个真正的娘们,从不让步。

She's a real tough cookie, never backs down.

3. 别跟她计较了,她就是个娘们。

Don't argue with her, she's just a stubborn woman.

4. 她是个娘们,不怕任何人。

She's a tough lady, not afraid of anyone.

5. 她是个娘们,说话从来不客气。

She's a tough woman, always speaks her mind.

6. 娘们们在一起总能干出一些了不起的事情。

The tough women always manage to pull off something amazing together.

7. 她就是一个娘们,不怕任何挑战。

She's just a tough cookie, not afraid of any challenge.

8. 她是个娘们,不会轻易退缩。

She's a tough woman, won't back down easily.

9. 她是个真正的娘们,不会让别人欺负。

She's a real tough lady, won't let others bully her.

10. 她是个娘们,总是敢于尝试新事物。

She's a tough woman, always willing to try new things.

11. 你要学会像娘们一样坚强。

You need to learn to be as tough as a woman.

12. 娘们们一起工作总是非常高效。

The tough women always work together very efficiently.

13. 她是个娘们,不会轻易被击倒。

She's a tough woman, won't be easily knocked down.

14. 她就是个娘们,说话从来不拐弯抹角。

She's just a tough lady, always speaks her mind.

15. 娘们们在工作中展现出了巨大的毅力。

The tough women showed tremendous resilience in their work.

16. 她是个娘们,不怕任何困难。

She's a tough woman, not afraid of any obstacles.

17. 她是个真正的娘们,从不退缩。

She's a real tough cookie, never backs down.

18. 她是个娘们,总是能够克服困难。

She's a tough woman, always able to overcome challenges.

19. 娘们们一起可以战胜一切。

The tough women together can conquer all.

20. 她就是一个娘们,不怕任何挑战。

She's just a tough cookie, not afraid of any challenge.

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