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时间: 2024-09-20 10:07:06


1. 春风吹落了一地的落花。

The spring breeze blew down a lot of fallen flowers.

2. 落花无言,只是默默地飘落。

The fallen flowers have no words, just silently falling.

3. 落花成泥,花瓣飘落一地。

The fallen flowers turn into mud, and the petals fall to the ground.

4. 落花飘零,满地凄凉。

The fallen flowers are scattered, and the ground is desolate.

5. 风吹落了一地的落花,墙角落了一地的思念。

The wind blew down a lot of fallen flowers, and the corner was full of missing.

6. 落花无声地飘落,寂寞的心在微微颤抖。

The fallen flowers fell silently, and the lonely heart trembled slightly.

7. 落花无言,却诉说着岁月的沧桑。

The fallen flowers have no words, but they tell the vicissitudes of time.

8. 落花成泥,化作春泥更护花。

The fallen flowers turn into mud, and become the spring soil to protect the flowers.

9. 落花飘零,似乎在述说着一段段离别的故事。

The fallen flowers are scattered, as if telling a story of parting.

10. 落花飘零,轻轻地落在湖面上。

The fallen flowers are scattered, gently falling on the surface of the lake.

11. 落花飘零,飘落在远方的小路上。

The fallen flowers are scattered, falling on the distant path.

12. 落花飘零,随风飘荡着思念的情怀。

The fallen flowers are scattered, drifting with the wind and the feelings of missing.

13. 落花飘零,一片片如梦如幻。

The fallen flowers are scattered, like a dream.

14. 落花飘零,铺满了整条小径。

The fallen flowers are scattered, covering the entire path.

15. 落花飘零,落在了你的肩上。

The fallen flowers are scattered, falling on your shoulders.

16. 落花飘零,伴着清风悄然而去。

The fallen flowers are scattered, quietly leaving with the gentle breeze.

17. 落花飘零,装点了整个春天的美丽。

The fallen flowers are scattered, decorating the beauty of the whole spring.

18. 落花飘零,落在了那片凄美的诗篇里。

The fallen flowers are scattered, falling into that sad and beautiful poem.

19. 落花飘零,落在了思念的信笺上。

The fallen flowers are scattered, falling on the letter of missing.

20. 落花飘零,如同一场美丽的梦一样短暂。

The fallen flowers are scattered, as short-lived as a beautiful dream.

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