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时间: 2024-09-20 12:02:11


1. 秋天的树叶纷纷飘落在地上。

The autumn leaves are falling to the ground.

2. 雪花飘落在街道上,营造出一片银装素裹的景象。

Snowflakes are falling on the streets, creating a silver-white scene.

3. 落叶飘落在小溪上,漂浮着往下游。

The falling leaves drift on the stream, floating downstream.

4. 玫瑰花瓣飘落在地上,点缀着整个花园。

Rose petals are falling to the ground, embellishing the entire garden.

5. 鸟儿在风中飘落下来。

The birds are falling down in the wind.

6. 雨点飘落在湖面上,激起了微波。

Raindrops are falling on the lake, creating ripples.

7. 雪花飘落在山顶,覆盖了整个景色。

Snowflakes are falling on the mountain top, covering the entire landscape.

8. 银杏叶子飘落在空中,如同一场金色的雨。

Ginkgo leaves are falling in the air, like a golden rain.

9. 烟花绽放后,璀璨的碎片飘落在夜空中。

After the fireworks burst, the dazzling fragments fall in the night sky.

10. 霜雪飘落在窗外,渲染了一片银装世界。

Frost and snow are falling outside the window, creating a silver world.

11. 樱花瓣飘落在湖面上,如同一幅浪漫的画面。

Cherry blossom petals are falling on the lake, like a romantic painting.

12. 落日的余晖渐渐飘落在地平线上。

The lingering light of the setting sun gradually falls on the horizon.

13. 海浪拍打着礁石,溅起的水珠飘落在空中。

The waves crash against the rocks, splashing water droplets falling in the air.

14. 柳絮随风飘落在小径上,宛如一条银色的飘带。

Willow catkins fall on the path with the wind, like a silver ribbon.

15. 落日的余晖渐渐飘落在地平线上。

The lingering light of the setting sun gradually falls on the horizon.

16. 飘落的雨滴在地面上形成了一片泛滥。

The falling raindrops formed a puddle on the ground.

17. 落日的余晖渐渐飘落在地平线上。

The lingering light of the setting sun gradually falls on the horizon.

18. 樱花瓣飘落在湖面上,如同一幅浪漫的画面。

Cherry blossom petals are falling on the lake, like a romantic painting.

19. 落日的余晖渐渐飘落在地平线上。

The lingering light of the setting sun gradually falls on the horizon.

20. 海浪拍打着礁石,溅起的水珠飘落在空中。

The waves crash against the rocks, splashing water droplets falling in the air.

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