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时间: 2024-09-20 10:17:49


1. 她用算盘快速地算出了那道数学题的答案。

She quickly calculated the answer to the math problem using an abacus.

2. 这个孩子在算盘上操作得非常熟练。

The child is very skilled at using the abacus.

3. 在古代,算盘是人们计算的主要工具。

In ancient times, the abacus was the main tool for people to do calculations.

4. 我们学校的数学老师教我们如何使用算盘来做加减乘除。

Our math teacher taught us how to use an abacus to do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

5. 我小时候用算盘学习数学。

I learned math using an abacus when I was a child.

6. 在中国,算盘是一种古老的计算工具。

In China, the abacus is an ancient calculating tool.

7. 她在算盘上迅速地计算出了这笔账的总额。

She quickly calculated the total amount of the bill on the abacus.

8. 我们家传下来一副古老的算盘。

We have inherited an ancient abacus in our family.

9. 用算盘计算可以锻炼孩子的大脑。

Using an abacus for calculations can exercise a child's brain.

10. 现代科技使得算盘逐渐被电子计算器所取代。

Modern technology has gradually replaced the abacus with electronic calculators.

11. 他拿起算盘开始计算利润。

He picked up the abacus and started calculating the profits.

12. 这家公司还在使用传统的算盘进行财务核算。

This company is still using traditional abacus for financial accounting.

13. 在日本,算盘被称为“珠算盘”。

In Japan, the abacus is called "Soroban".

14. 她的速算能力非常强,可以在算盘上快速完成复杂的计算。

She has strong mental arithmetic skills and can quickly complete complex calculations on the abacus.

15. 爷爷教我如何使用算盘进行简单的数学运算。

Grandpa taught me how to use the abacus for simple math operations.

16. 这个孩子在算盘比赛中获得了第一名。

The child won first place in the abacus competition.

17. 现代社会中,算盘已经逐渐淡出人们的视野。

In modern society, the abacus has gradually faded from people's view.

18. 我想学习如何使用算盘进行快速计算。

I want to learn how to use the abacus for fast calculations.

19. 老师用算盘向学生们展示了快速计算的方法。

The teacher demonstrated the method of quick calculation to the students using an abacus.

20. 这家博物馆展示了世界各地不同形式的算盘。

This museum displays different forms of abacus from around the world.

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