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时间: 2024-09-20 07:40:04


1. 大娘做的菜特别好吃。

The food cooked by the old lady is especially delicious.

2. 大娘笑得很开心。

The old lady is laughing happily.

3. 大娘在院子里晒衣服。

The old lady is hanging clothes in the yard.

4. 大娘有着丰富的生活经验。

The old lady has rich life experience.

5. 大娘对孩子们很慈祥。

The old lady is very kind to the children.

6. 大娘年纪虽大,但精神矍铄。

The old lady is old, but still spirited.

7. 大娘给我讲了很多关于家乡的故事。

The old lady told me many stories about the hometown.

8. 大娘是我们村里的一位尊老爱幼的好人。

The old lady is a good person who respects the old and loves the young in our village.

9. 大娘每天早上都会去集市买菜。

The old lady goes to the market to buy vegetables every morning.

10. 大娘的身体一直很健康。

The old lady has always been in good health.

11. 大娘的家务活做得非常干净整洁。

The old lady does the housework very clean and tidy.

12. 大娘的花园里开满了鲜花。

The old lady's garden is full of flowers.

13. 大娘的手艺很好,会织毛衣。

The old lady is skilled at knitting.

14. 大娘每天都会给邻居送一些自己种的蔬菜。

The old lady gives some vegetables grown by herself to the neighbors every day.

15. 大娘在家里忙着做饭。

The old lady is busy cooking at home.

16. 大娘的孙子是个懂事的孩子。

The old lady's grandson is a sensible child.

17. 大娘的家里总是很热闹。

The old lady's home is always lively.

18. 大娘的家是我心中的港湾。

The old lady's home is the harbor in my heart.

19. 大娘的白发中透着一丝慈祥。

There is a hint of kindness in the old lady's white hair.

20. 大娘是我们村里的一位可敬的长者。

The old lady is a respected elder in our village.

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