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时间: 2024-09-20 13:22:40


1. 外面淅沥着雨,我决定待在家里。

Outside, the rain was pattering, and I decided to stay indoors.

2. 淅沥的雨声让我感到宁静和放松。

The pitter-patter of the rain made me feel calm and relaxed.

3. 窗外淅沥的雨水让我心情变得愉悦。

The sound of the rain pattering outside the window made me feel cheerful.

4. 雨淅沥地下着,像是在和大地轻轻交谈。

The rain was pattering down gently, as if having a gentle conversation with the earth.

5. 外面淅沥的雨声让我觉得有些孤独。

The pitter-patter of the rain outside made me feel a little lonely.

6. 我喜欢淅沥的雨声,它让我感到温馨和舒适。

I like the pattering of the rain, it makes me feel warm and cozy.

7. 阴雨天里,淅沥的雨声让人感到沮丧。

On a gloomy day, the pitter-patter of the rain can be depressing.

8. 夜晚淅沥的雨声让我感到安心和宁静。

The pattering of the rain at night made me feel peaceful and calm.

9. 雨淅沥地下着,好像在诉说着一段故事。

The rain was pattering down, as if telling a story.

10. 我喜欢在淅沥的雨中漫步,感受大自然的美丽。

I enjoy walking in the pitter-patter of the rain, feeling the beauty of nature.

11. The rain is pattering down outside, creating a soothing atmosphere.

12. She could hear the pitter-patter of the rain on the roof.

13. The pattering of the rain against the window was a comforting sound.

14. The gentle pitter-patter of the rain was a welcome sound on a hot day.

15. I love to sit by the window and listen to the pattering of the rain.

16. The pitter-patter of the rain on the leaves was a peaceful sound.

17. The pattering of the rain on the pavement created a serene ambiance.

18. The soft pitter-patter of the rain was a lullaby to my ears.

19. The pattering of the rain on the roof was a sound of relaxation.

20. The gentle pitter-patter of the rain was a welcome respite from the heat.

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