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时间: 2024-09-20 10:22:38


1. 我们需要一个合理的调度安排来保证生产线的高效运转。

We need a reasonable scheduling arrangement to ensure the efficient operation of the production line.

2. 这家公司的调度系统非常先进,能够实现资源的最大化利用。

The company's scheduling system is very advanced and can maximize the use of resources.

3. 谁负责这次项目的调度安排?

Who is responsible for scheduling the arrangements for this project?

4. 调度员需要根据客户需求和资源情况来安排货物的运输。

Dispatchers need to arrange the transportation of goods based on customer demand and resource availability.

5. 这个工厂的生产计划需要经常进行调度调整。

The production schedule of this factory needs to be adjusted frequently.

6. 调度员需要根据交通情况来安排车辆的出发时间。

Dispatchers need to schedule the departure time of vehicles based on traffic conditions.

7. 他们决定调度更多的员工来应对突然的订单增加。

They decided to schedule more employees to cope with the sudden increase in orders.

8. 这个项目的调度安排需要更多的时间来完善。

The scheduling arrangements for this project need more time to be perfected.

9. 我们需要一个能够自动调度任务的系统来提高工作效率。

We need a system that can automatically schedule tasks to improve work efficiency.

10. 调度员必须确保所有的航班都按时起飞。

Dispatchers must ensure that all flights take off on time.

11. The scheduling of staff for the event needs to be finalized by the end of the week.


12. The dispatcher is responsible for scheduling the delivery of goods to different locations.


13. The scheduling of meetings has been a challenge due to conflicting availability of team members.


14. The scheduling of the construction project has been delayed due to unforeseen weather conditions.


15. The company uses a sophisticated software program to handle the scheduling of production processes.


16. The scheduling of classes for the upcoming semester is still being finalized.


17. The dispatcher needs to carefully schedule the routes for the delivery trucks to optimize efficiency.


18. The scheduling of maintenance for the equipment is crucial to ensure its proper functioning.


19. The scheduling of shifts for the employees has been a point of contention among the staff.


20. The airline's scheduling department is responsible for organizing flight times and crew assignments.


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