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时间: 2024-09-19 03:42:00


1. 太阳的光线照在湖面上,波光粼粼。

The sunlight shone on the surface of the lake, creating a sparkling effect.

2. 月光照在树林间,映射出美丽的影子。

The moonlight shone through the trees, casting beautiful shadows.

3. 我们需要一些光线才能看清这个房间。

We need some light to see clearly in this room.

4. 他的眼睛在光线下闪闪发光。

His eyes sparkled in the light.

5. 大教堂的彩色玻璃窗让光线变得神圣而美丽。

The stained glass windows of the cathedral made the light appear sacred and beautiful.

6. 在清晨的第一缕光线中,我醒来了。

I woke up in the first light of the morning.

7. 这个城市的夜晚充满了霓虹灯的光线。

The night in this city is filled with the neon lights.

8. 他们用灯光来照亮舞台。

They used lights to illuminate the stage.

9. 阴云遮住了太阳,整个房间变得昏暗了。

The clouds covered the sun, and the whole room became dark.

10. 她的皮肤在阳光下变得金灿灿的。

Her skin turned golden in the sunlight.

11. 黎明的第一缕光线透过窗子照在我的脸上。

The first light of dawn shone through the window onto my face.

12. 没有足够的光线,我无法看清书上的字。

Without enough light, I can't see the words in the book.

13. 月光洒在海面上,如同一条银色的绸带。

The moonlight spilled over the sea like a silver ribbon.

14. 这些玻璃瓶反射出美丽的光线。

These glass bottles reflected beautiful light.

15. 在夕阳的余晖下,整个山谷都变得金黄。

Under the last rays of the setting sun, the whole valley turned golden.

16. 路灯的光线照亮了整条街道。

The light from the street lamps illuminated the entire street.

17. 他们用探照灯来搜索失踪的船只。

They used searchlights to look for the missing ship.

18. 这盏灯的光线太刺眼了,可以把它调暗一点吗?

The light from this lamp is too bright, can you dim it a little?

19. 这片森林在月光下显得神秘而美丽。

The forest looked mysterious and beautiful in the moonlight.

20. 在暴风雨中,我们只能依靠闪电的光线来找到回家的路。

In the storm, we could only rely on the light from the lightning to find our way home.

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