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时间: 2024-09-16 04:54:43


1. 春秋时期是中国历史上一个重要的时期。

The Spring and Autumn Period was an important period in Chinese history.

2. 春秋是一个充满生机和活力的季节。

Spring is a season full of vitality and energy.

3. 春秋两季的气温变化较大。

The temperature changes greatly between spring and autumn.

4. 春秋两季的服装风格有很大的不同。

There is a big difference in clothing styles between spring and autumn.

5. 春秋两季的景色各有特点。

The scenery in spring and autumn has its own characteristics.

6. 春秋时节,万物复苏,春暖花开。

In the spring and autumn, everything comes back to life and the flowers bloom.

7. 春秋之美,不在于它的繁华,而在于它的淡雅和清新。

The beauty of spring and autumn lies not in its splendor, but in its simplicity and freshness.

8. 春秋时节,万物生机盎然。

In the spring and autumn, everything is full of vitality.

9. 春秋之间,温度适宜,宜人宜居。

The temperature is pleasant and comfortable between spring and autumn.

10. 春秋交替,天气变化多端。

The weather changes a lot as spring transitions into autumn.

11. 春秋之间,人们喜欢出行和旅游。

People like to go out and travel between spring and autumn.

12. 春秋之际,田野里一片生机盎然。

In spring and autumn, the fields are full of vitality.

13. 春秋之际,人们喜欢户外活动。

People enjoy outdoor activities in spring and autumn.

14. 春秋之际,天空湛蓝,阳光明媚。

The sky is clear and the sun is shining in spring and autumn.

15. 春秋之际,人们喜欢举办各种庆祝活动。

People like to hold various celebration events in spring and autumn.

16. 春秋之际,人们喜欢举办户外婚礼。

People like to hold outdoor weddings in spring and autumn.

17. 春秋之时,人们喜欢举办各种户外音乐节。

People like to hold various outdoor music festivals in spring and autumn.

18. 春秋之际,人们喜欢举办露天烧烤聚会。

People like to hold outdoor barbecue gatherings in spring and autumn.

19. 春秋之时,人们喜欢去郊外踏青赏花。

People like to go to the countryside for outings and flower viewing in spring and autumn.

20. 春秋之际,人们喜欢举办各种户外运动比赛。

People like to hold various outdoor sports competitions in spring and autumn.


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