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时间: 2024-09-20 07:29:20


1. 婆娘说这个菜太辣了,她吃不了。

Grandma said this dish is too spicy for her to eat.

2. 我的婆娘特别会照顾人,她总是给我做好吃的。

My grandma is very good at taking care of people, she always cooks delicious food for me.

3. 婆娘最近身体有些不舒服,需要多休息。

Grandma hasn't been feeling well lately, she needs to rest more.

4. 婆娘今天生日,我们一家人都去给她过生日。

It's grandma's birthday today, our whole family is going to celebrate with her.

5. 婆娘虽然年纪大了,但依然很精神。

Even though grandma is getting older, she is still very lively.

6. 婆娘的手艺真是一绝,每次做的菜都让人食指大动。

Grandma's cooking skills are amazing, her dishes always make people's mouths water.

7. 我的婆娘对我非常疼爱,我真的很感激她。

My grandma loves me very much, I am really grateful to her.

8. 婆娘在家里是当仁不让的家庭主妇。

Grandma is the undisputed housewife at home.

9. 婆娘的笑容总是那么温暖,让人感到幸福。

Grandma's smile is always so warm, it makes people feel happy.

10. 我的婆娘是一个非常善良的人,对待每个人都很友好。

My grandma is a very kind person, she is very friendly to everyone.

11. 婆娘总是给家人做最好吃的饭菜。

Grandma always cooks the most delicious meals for her family.

12. 婆娘是我们家的中心,她照顾着我们每个人。

Grandma is the center of our family, she takes care of each one of us.

13. 婆娘总是给我们讲她年轻时的故事,很有趣。

Grandma always tells us stories from her youth, they are very interesting.

14. 我的婆娘是一个非常有智慧的人,我很喜欢听她讲话。

My grandma is a very wise person, I love listening to her talk.

15. 婆娘给我做了一件毛衣,非常漂亮。

Grandma knitted a sweater for me, it's very beautiful.

16. 婆娘的厨艺真的是一绝,每道菜都很美味。

Grandma's cooking skills are really amazing, every dish is delicious.

17. 婆娘是我们家的顶梁柱,我们都很爱她。

Grandma is the backbone of our family, we all love her very much.

18. 婆娘的手艺是我家的宝贝,每个人都喜欢她做的菜。

Grandma's cooking skills are a treasure in our family, everyone loves her dishes.

19. 我的婆娘是我最亲近的人,我和她分享所有的事情。

My grandma is the person I am closest to, I share everything with her.

20. 婆娘把我抚养成人,我永远感激她的养育之恩。

Grandma raised me to be an adult, I will always be grateful for her upbringing.

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