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时间: 2024-09-20 10:10:51


1. 他们在火灾中逃命。

They fled for their lives in the fire.

2. 他们逃命时被发现了。

They were caught trying to escape.

3. 他们逃命的计划失败了。

Their escape plan failed.

4. 她逃命时受了伤。

She was injured while escaping.

5. 他们逃命到了丛林中。

They fled into the jungle for their lives.

6. 逃命是他们唯一的选择。

Escape was their only option.

7. 他们在混乱中逃命。

They fled in the chaos.

8. 逃命需要勇气和决心。

Escape requires courage and determination.

9. 他们成功逃命了吗?

Did they manage to escape?

10. 逃命是一种本能。

Escaping is an instinct.

11. 他们在混乱中逃命。

They fled in the chaos.

12. 逃命是他们唯一的选择。

Escape was their only option.

13. 他们在逃命的过程中失去了一些人。

They lost some people in the escape.

14. 他们逃命时被追捕。

They were pursued during their escape.

15. 他们逃命时拼尽全力。

They gave it their all to escape.

16. 他们逃命到了山上。

They fled to the mountains for their lives.

17. 逃命的人们聚集在一起。

The escapees gathered together.

18. 他们逃命时经历了艰难的考验。

They faced difficult trials during their escape.

19. 逃命是他们的唯一希望。

Escape was their only hope.

20. 他们逃命成功了。

They managed to escape.

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