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时间: 2024-09-20 12:05:04


1. 我被一个诈骗电话骗了一笔钱。

I was scammed out of some money by a fraudulent phone call.

2. 她相信了一个虚假的投资计划,结果被骗了。

She fell for a false investment scheme and ended up being scammed.

3. 我买了一件假冒的名牌货,真是被骗了。

I bought a counterfeit brand and really got scammed.

4. 他被一个假装是慈善机构的人骗了。

He was scammed by someone pretending to be from a charity organization.

5. 我相信了一个网上购物的陷阱,结果被骗了。

I fell for an online shopping trap and got scammed.

6. 她被一个假装是银行工作人员的人骗了身份信息。

She was scammed for her personal information by someone pretending to be a bank employee.

7. 他相信了一个虚假的赌博网站,结果被骗了大笔钱。

He fell for a fake gambling website and ended up being scammed out of a lot of money.

8. 我们应该小心别被骗了。

We should be careful not to be scammed.

9. 他被一个假装是政府官员的人骗了钱。

He was scammed out of money by someone pretending to be a government official.

10. 她被一个假冒的慈善机构骗了捐款。

She was scammed out of donations by a counterfeit charity organization.

11. 他被一个假装是房地产经纪人的人骗了房款。

He was scammed out of his house payment by someone pretending to be a real estate agent.

12. 她被一个假装是医生的人骗了治疗费。

She was scammed out of medical fees by someone pretending to be a doctor.

13. 我被一个假装是护士的人骗了药费。

I was scammed out of medication fees by someone pretending to be a nurse.

14. 他被一个假装是警察的人骗了罚款。

He was scammed out of fines by someone pretending to be a police officer.

15. 她被一个假装是律师的人骗了法律费用。

She was scammed out of legal fees by someone pretending to be a lawyer.

16. 我被一个假装是保险销售员的人骗了保费。

I was scammed out of insurance premiums by someone pretending to be an insurance salesman.

17. 他被一个假装是教育机构的人骗了学费。

He was scammed out of tuition fees by someone pretending to be from an educational institution.

18. 她被一个假装是旅行社的人骗了旅游费用。

She was scammed out of travel expenses by someone pretending to be from a travel agency.

19. 我被一个假装是技术支持员的人骗了电脑维修费。

I was scammed out of computer repair fees by someone pretending to be a technical support staff.

20. 他被一个假装是网络安全专家的人骗了密码。

He was scammed out of his password by someone pretending to be a cybersecurity expert.

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