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时间: 2024-09-20 09:57:20


1. 他在黑夜中点亮了一盏明灯。

He lit a lamp in the darkness.

2. 这盏明灯照亮了整个房间。

The lamp illuminated the whole room.

3. 在节日期间,人们会点亮明灯来庆祝。

People light up lamps to celebrate during the festival.

4. 明灯闪烁着希望的光芒。

The lamp flickered with the light of hope.

5. 她把明灯放在窗台上,为迷路的人指路。

She placed a lamp on the windowsill to guide lost travelers.

6. 这盏明灯照亮了我们前行的道路。

The lamp illuminated the path ahead of us.

7. 他们点亮了一排明灯来庆祝胜利。

They lit up a row of lamps to celebrate the victory.

8. 明灯在黑暗中发出柔和的光芒。

The lamp emitted a soft glow in the darkness.

9. 在中国传统文化中,明灯象征着希望和幸福。

In traditional Chinese culture, the lamp symbolizes hope and happiness.

10. 明灯在夜晚中显得格外明亮。

The lamp appeared particularly bright in the night.

11. 她点燃了一盏明灯,为迷失的灵魂祈祷。

She lit a lamp and prayed for the lost souls.

12. 明灯照亮了他前行的路途。

The lamp illuminated his path forward.

13. 这盏明灯为我们指明了方向。

The lamp guided us in the right direction.

14. 在传统节日中,人们会点亮明灯来祈祷。

People light up lamps to pray during traditional festivals.

15. 明灯在黑夜中照耀着我们的前行道路。

The lamp shone our path in the darkness.

16. 他们点亮了无数明灯,为逝去的亲人祈祷。

They lit up countless lamps to pray for their departed loved ones.

17. 明灯的光芒让人感到温暖和安慰。

The light of the lamp brought warmth and comfort.

18. 明灯照亮了孩子们的学习之路。

The lamp illuminated the children's path of learning.

19. 这盏明灯为我们带来了希望。

The lamp brought us hope.

20. 明灯在黑暗中燃烧,象征着坚定的信念。

The lamp burned in the darkness, symbolizing unwavering faith.

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