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时间: 2024-09-20 08:06:22


1. 他是一个很普通的人,没有什么特别之处。

He is just an ordinary person, nothing special about him.

2. 她是一个很普通的家庭主妇,每天忙于家务。

She is a very ordinary housewife, busy with household chores every day.

3. 他是一个平凡的上班族,每天都在忙碌的工作中度过。

He is an ordinary office worker, spending his days in busy work.

4. 她过着普通人的生活,没有追求太多的名利。

She lives the life of an ordinary person, not pursuing too much fame and fortune.

5. 他虽然是一个普通人,但却有着非凡的毅力和决心。

He may be an ordinary person, but he has extraordinary perseverance and determination.

6. 在这个世界上,有很多普通人都在默默无闻地做着伟大的事情。

In this world, many ordinary people are doing great things in obscurity.

7. 作为普通人,我们也可以做出不平凡的成就。

As ordinary people, we can also achieve extraordinary things.

8. 普通人的生活可能平淡无奇,但也有着自己的幸福。

The life of an ordinary person may be plain, but it also has its own happiness.

9. 他是一个普通的学生,但在学术方面有着非凡的天赋。

He is an ordinary student, but has extraordinary talent in academics.

10. 普通人也可以有着非凡的梦想和追求。

Ordinary people can also have extraordinary dreams and pursuits.

11. 尽管他是一个普通人,但他有着非凡的勇气和坚韧。

Despite being an ordinary person, he has extraordinary courage and resilience.

12. 普通人的生活可能平淡无奇,但也有着自己的幸福。

The life of an ordinary person may be plain, but it also has its own happiness.

13. 作为普通人,我们也可以做出不平凡的成就。

As ordinary people, we can also achieve extraordinary things.

14. 普通人也可以有着非凡的梦想和追求。

Ordinary people can also have extraordinary dreams and pursuits.

15. 尽管他是一个普通人,但他有着非凡的勇气和坚韧。

Despite being an ordinary person, he has extraordinary courage and resilience.

16. 作为一个普通人,他也有着自己的价值观和原则。

As an ordinary person, he also has his own values and principles.

17. 普通人也可以创造出非凡的成就和奇迹。

Ordinary people can also create extraordinary achievements and miracles.

18. 看似普通的人也可能有着不平凡的一面。

Apparently ordinary people may also have extraordinary sides.

19. 普通人也可以有着非凡的智慧和见识。

Ordinary people can also have extraordinary wisdom and insight.

20. 作为普通人,我们也应该珍惜自己的生活和幸福。

As ordinary people, we should also cherish our own lives and happiness.

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