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时间: 2024-10-05 19:21:59


1. 江海悠悠,东流不息。

The river and sea are vast, flowing endlessly to the east.

2. 江海无涯,思念无边。

The river and sea have no boundaries, and longing knows no limits.

3. 江海之间,千帆竞发。

Between the river and sea, a thousand sails compete.

4. 江海相隔,心意相连。

Separated by the river and sea, but connected in heart and mind.

5. 江海交汇,风起云涌。

Where the river and sea meet, the wind rises and clouds surge.

6. 江海之间,岁月静好。

Between the river and sea, the years pass peacefully.

7. 江海之滨,山青水秀。

By the river and sea, the mountains are green and the waters are beautiful.

8. 江海相连,天地无边。

The river and sea are connected, with no boundaries in sight.

9. 江海之上,风光无限。

Above the river and sea, the scenery is endless.

10. 江海之间,人文荟萃。

Between the river and sea, there is a gathering of culture and history.

11. 江海之间,人来人往。

Between the river and sea, people come and go.

12. 江海相望,心灵相通。

Facing the river and sea, our hearts are connected.

13. 江海之间,浪漫无限。

Between the river and sea, romance is endless.

14. 江海之上,烟波浩渺。

Above the river and sea, the misty waves are vast.

15. 江海相依,日出而作,日落而息。

The river and sea rely on each other, working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

16. 江海之间,历史悠久。

Between the river and sea, the history is long.

17. 江海之上,风景如画。

Above the river and sea, the scenery is picturesque.

18. 江海相连,情意绵绵。

Connected by the river and sea, our feelings are deep and lasting.

19. 江海之间,岁月静好。

Between the river and sea, the years pass peacefully.

20. 江海之滨,山青水秀。

By the river and sea, the mountains are green and the waters are beautiful.

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