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时间: 2024-10-05 21:53:47


1. 我们家的客厅里有一个很亮的光灯。

There is a bright light in the living room of our house.

2. 请把光灯打开,我要看清楚这个地方。

Please turn on the light, I want to see this place clearly.

3. 这个光灯好像坏了,我们需要换一个新的。

It seems like this light bulb is broken, we need to replace it with a new one.

4. 光灯的亮度可以调节吗?

Can the brightness of the light bulb be adjusted?

5. 我在书房里安装了一个光灯,现在可以更好地看书了。

I installed a light bulb in the study, now I can read better.

6. 这个光灯的颜色很温暖,很适合用来放松。

The color of this light bulb is very warm, it is very suitable for relaxation.

7. 我们家的走廊里有一排光灯,所以很亮。

There is a row of light bulbs in the corridor of our house, so it is very bright.

8. 请把光灯调暗一点,我觉得太刺眼了。

Please dim the light a little, I feel it's too bright.

9. 这个光灯可以用手机控制,非常方便。

This light bulb can be controlled by a mobile phone, very convenient.

10. 光灯的灯丝好像断了,需要修一下。

The filament of the light bulb seems to be broken, it needs to be repaired.

11. 我们的商店里有各种各样的光灯可供选择。

There are various light bulbs to choose from in our store.

12. 我喜欢在晚上看星星,所以在院子里装了几盏光灯。

I like to watch the stars at night, so I installed a few light bulbs in the yard.

13. 这个光灯的寿命很长,可以用好几年。

The life span of this light bulb is very long, it can be used for several years.

14. 光灯的亮度对眼睛有影响吗?

Does the brightness of the light bulb affect the eyes?

15. 我们家的光灯都是LED的,比较节能。

The light bulbs in our house are all LED, which is more energy-saving.

16. 我们需要在外面安装一些光灯,以增加安全感。

We need to install some light bulbs outside to increase the sense of security.

17. 这个光灯的颜色很漂亮,可以改变房间的氛围。

The color of this light bulb is very beautiful, it can change the atmosphere of the room.

18. 请确保光灯的开关已经关闭,以节省能源。

Please make sure that the light bulb switch is turned off to save energy.

19. 我们家的光灯都是节能型的,对环境更友好。

The light bulbs in our house are all energy-saving, which is more environmentally friendly.

20. 我们需要买一些光灯作为备用。

We need to buy some light bulbs as spares.

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