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时间: 2024-09-20 08:13:36


1. 爸爸今天割草了。

Dad mowed the lawn today.

2. 昨天我花了整个下午割草。

I spent the whole afternoon mowing the grass yesterday.

3. 我们需要割草,草太长了。

We need to mow the lawn, the grass is too long.

4. 他们雇了人来割草。

They hired someone to mow the grass.

5. 我每周都要割草。

I have to mow the lawn every week.

6. 割草机坏了,我得用剪刀割草。

The lawnmower broke, so I have to mow the grass with scissors.

7. 我喜欢割草,觉得很放松。

I enjoy mowing the lawn, I find it very relaxing.

8. 割草是一个很好的锻炼。

Mowing the lawn is a great workout.

9. 我的邻居今天早上割了草,吵醒了我。

My neighbor mowed the grass this morning and woke me up.

10. 春天到了,是时候割草了。

Spring is here, it's time to mow the lawn.

11. 我需要去割草,你能帮我看一下孩子吗?

I need to go mow the lawn, can you watch the kids for me?

12. 我割完草后,院子看起来整洁多了。

The yard looks so much neater after I mow the grass.

13. 我的割草技术越来越好了。

My mowing skills are getting better and better.

14. 我不想割草,但是我知道我必须得割。

I don't want to mow the lawn, but I know I have to.

15. 我们需要一台新的割草机。

We need a new lawnmower.

16. 我的割草机被偷了,我很生气。

My lawnmower got stolen, I'm really mad.

17. 割草前记得检查割草机的油量。

Remember to check the lawnmower's oil level before mowing.

18. 割草是我最讨厌的家务活之一。

Mowing the lawn is one of my least favorite chores.

19. 我觉得割草是锻炼身体的好办法。

I think mowing the lawn is a good way to get some exercise.

20. 我用了整个下午割草,累坏了。

I spent the whole afternoon mowing the grass, I'm exhausted.

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