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时间: 2024-09-20 10:20:41


1. 天底下没有不散的宴席。

There is no banquet that does not come to an end under the sky.

2. 他们在天底下找遍了所有的角落,也没找到失踪的孩子。

They searched every corner under the sky, but still couldn't find the missing child.

3. 这个问题已经困扰了我很久,我觉得只有天底下没有解决不了的难题。

This problem has been bothering me for a long time, and I feel like there is no problem that cannot be solved under the sky.

4. 他们在天底下找遍了所有的方法,却依然无法解决这个难题。

They tried every possible method under the sky, but still couldn't solve the problem.

5. 无论发生什么事情,我都会一直陪在你身边,就像天底下没有比你更重要的人一样。

No matter what happens, I will always be by your side, as if there is no one more important than you under the sky.

6. 在天底下,只有你才能让我感到幸福。

Under the sky, only you can make me feel happy.

7. 他们在天底下找遍了所有的地方,终于找到了失散多年的亲人。

They searched every place under the sky and finally found their long-lost relatives.

8. 天底下最美丽的风景莫过于两个相爱的人手牵手一起走。

The most beautiful scenery under the sky is when two people in love walk hand in hand.

9. 在天底下,只有真诚的友谊才能经得起时间的考验。

Under the sky, only sincere friendship can stand the test of time.

10. 他们决定在天底下,无论发生什么事情,都不会放弃彼此。

They decided that under the sky, no matter what happens, they will not give up on each other.

11. 在天底下,只有真正的勇士才能战胜自己的恐惧。

Under the sky, only true warriors can overcome their fears.

12. 他们发誓在天底下永远不会再分开。

They swore that they would never part under the sky.

13. 在天底下,只有爱情才能驱散黑暗。

Under the sky, only love can drive away the darkness.

14. 他们在天底下找遍了所有的可能性,终于找到了适合自己的工作。

They searched every possibility under the sky and finally found a job that suited them.

15. 天底下没有什么比家更重要的了。

There is nothing more important than family under the sky.

16. 在天底下,只有真实的情感才能打动人心。

Under the sky, only genuine emotions can move people's hearts.

17. 他们在天底下找遍了所有的医院,终于找到了能治好病的医生。

They searched every hospital under the sky and finally found a doctor who could cure the illness.

18. 天底下没有什么能比孩子的笑脸更让人心情愉快的了。

There is nothing under the sky that can make people happier than a child's smile.

19. 在天底下,只有真理才能战胜谎言。

Under the sky, only the truth can defeat lies.

20. 他们在天底下找遍了所有的书籍,终于找到了解决问题的方法。

They searched every book under the sky and finally found a solution to the problem.

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