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时间: 2024-09-20 10:17:56


1. 冰山在日光下闪闪发光。

The iceberg glistened in the sunlight.

2. 我们小心地绕过了巨大的冰山。

We carefully sailed around the massive iceberg.

3. 冰山只露出了一小部分在海面上。

Only a small portion of the iceberg was visible above the water.

4. 这艘船被冰山撞沉了。

The ship was sunk by an iceberg.

5. 冰山的底部比它的顶部更加庞大。

The bottom of the iceberg is much larger than its top.

6. 冰山漂浮在海洋中。

The iceberg floated in the ocean.

7. 冰山在夜晚显得更加神秘。

The iceberg looked even more mysterious at night.

8. 冰山是南极地区的常见景观。

Icebergs are a common sight in the Antarctic region.

9. 冰山上有许多各种各样的形状。

The iceberg had many different shapes.

10. 冰山的颜色在不同的光线下会有所变化。

The color of the iceberg changes in different lights.

11. 这个冰山是从北极漂流而来的。

This iceberg drifted from the Arctic.

12. 冰山的尖顶在风中呼啸。

The pointed top of the iceberg howled in the wind.

13. 冰山的巨大体积令人震惊。

The massive size of the iceberg was astonishing.

14. 冰山是由冰雪堆积而成的。

Icebergs are formed by the accumulation of ice and snow.

15. 我们在远处看到了一座巨大的冰山。

We saw a huge iceberg in the distance.

16. 冰山在海面上漂浮了数周。

The iceberg floated on the sea for weeks.

17. 冰山在海浪的冲刷下渐渐消融了。

The iceberg gradually melted under the action of the waves.

18. 冰山对船只构成了潜在的威胁。

Icebergs posed a potential threat to ships.

19. 冰山的形状和大小各不相同。

Icebergs come in different shapes and sizes.

20. 冰山是冰川的一部分。

Icebergs are part of glaciers.

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