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时间: 2024-09-20 07:22:00


1. 她是一位美丽的新娘,穿着一件华丽的白色婚纱。

She is a beautiful bride, wearing a gorgeous white wedding dress.

2. 她是这场婚礼的新娘,看起来非常幸福。

She is the bride of this wedding, looking very happy.

3. 新娘在婚礼上看起来非常漂亮。

The bride looks very beautiful at the wedding.

4. 她是一位快乐的新娘,笑容灿烂。

She is a joyful bride, with a bright smile.

5. 新娘和新郎在婚礼上互相交换誓言。

The bride and groom exchanged vows at the wedding.

6. 新娘与她的父亲一起走向礼堂。

The bride walked down the aisle with her father.

7. 新娘戴着一顶精美的头纱。

The bride wore a beautiful veil.

8. 新娘的婚纱是由蕾丝和丝绸制成的。

The bride's wedding dress was made of lace and silk.

9. 新娘在婚礼上向新郎投掷捧花。

The bride tossed the bouquet to the groom at the wedding.

10. 她是一位迷人的新娘,所有人都为她感到骄傲。

She is a charming bride, and everyone is proud of her.

11. 新娘在婚礼上流下了幸福的眼泪。

The bride shed tears of happiness at the wedding.

12. 新娘与新郎一起跳起了第一支舞。

The bride and groom danced their first dance together.

13. 新娘的美丽让所有人都为之倾倒。

The bride's beauty captivated everyone.

14. 她是一位优雅的新娘,令人难以忘怀。

She is an elegant bride, unforgettable.

15. 新娘和新郎在婚礼上举行了一场浪漫的舞会。

The bride and groom held a romantic ball at the wedding.

16. 新娘的笑容充满了幸福和爱意。

The bride's smile was filled with happiness and love.

17. 她是一位充满魅力的新娘,所有人都为她祝福。

She is a charming bride, and everyone wishes her well.

18. 新娘在婚礼上看起来如此美丽,让人难以置信。

The bride looked so beautiful at the wedding, it was unbelievable.

19. 新娘在婚礼上表现得非常优雅。

The bride looked very elegant at the wedding.

20. 新娘和新郎在婚礼上共同宣誓爱情。

The bride and groom declared their love at the wedding.

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