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时间: 2024-11-06 14:57:21


1. 我们决定留宿在朋友家里,因为太晚了。

We decided to stay overnight at our friend's house because it was too late.

2. 她邀请我留宿,不用担心回家太晚了。

She invited me to stay the night, so I didn't have to worry about getting home too late.

3. 昨晚我留宿在酒店,因为天气太恶劣了。

I stayed overnight at the hotel last night because the weather was too bad.

4. 他们决定留宿在山里的小屋,体验野外生活。

They decided to stay overnight in a cabin in the mountains and experience outdoor living.

5. 我们留宿在农场的小木屋里,享受了宁静的夜晚。

We stayed overnight in the small cabin on the farm and enjoyed a peaceful night.

6. 我们在朋友家留宿了一晚,早上一起吃了丰盛的早餐。

We stayed overnight at our friend's house and had a hearty breakfast together in the morning.

7. 她邀请我留宿,因为她觉得我酒后开车不安全。

She invited me to stay the night because she thought it was unsafe for me to drive after drinking.

8. 昨晚他留宿在公司,为了准备第二天的重要会议。

He stayed overnight at the company last night to prepare for the important meeting the next day.

9. 我们留宿在海滩边的小屋里,听着海浪声入睡。

We stayed overnight in a cabin by the beach and fell asleep to the sound of the waves.

10. 他们决定留宿在山顶的帐篷里,享受星空下的露营。

They decided to stay overnight in a tent at the top of the mountain and enjoy camping under the stars.

11. 我们留宿在乡村民宿,体验了农村的生活。

We stayed overnight in a rural bed and breakfast and experienced country living.

12. 他们决定留宿在城市的豪华酒店,享受一晚的奢华。

They decided to stay overnight in a luxury hotel in the city and enjoy a night of indulgence.

13. 昨晚我留宿在机场,等待今天的早班飞机。

I stayed overnight at the airport last night, waiting for the early morning flight today.

14. 我们在朋友家留宿了一晚,度过了愉快的时光。

We stayed overnight at our friend's house and had a great time.

15. 她邀请我留宿,因为她觉得我酒后开车不安全。

She invited me to stay the night because she thought it was unsafe for me to drive after drinking.

16. 昨晚他留宿在公司,为了准备第二天的重要会议。

He stayed overnight at the company last night to prepare for the important meeting the next day.

17. 我们留宿在海滩边的小屋里,听着海浪声入睡。

We stayed overnight in a cabin by the beach and fell asleep to the sound of the waves.

18. 他们决定留宿在山顶的帐篷里,享受星空下的露营。

They decided to stay overnight in a tent at the top of the mountain and enjoy camping under the stars.

19. 我们留宿在乡村民宿,体验了农村的生活。

We stayed overnight in a rural bed and breakfast and experienced country living.

20. 他们决定留宿在城市的豪华酒店,享受一晚的奢华。

They decided to stay overnight in a luxury hotel in the city and enjoy a night of indulgence.

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