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时间: 2024-09-20 19:27:32


1. 他是个二郎,总是对一切都不满意。

He is a picky person, always unsatisfied with everything.

2. 这个二郎真是太难取悦了。

This picky person is really hard to please.

3. 他是个二郎,吃饭要求太多。

He is a picky person, with too many demands when it comes to food.

4. 这个孩子真是个小二郎,什么都不喜欢。

This child is really a picky eater, doesn't like anything.

5. 他对这件事情很二郎,总是找各种借口。

He is very picky about this matter, always finding excuses.

6. 他是个二郎,对服装要求很高。

He is a picky person, with high demands on clothing.

7. 这家餐厅的老板是个二郎,对菜谱要求很苛刻。

The owner of this restaurant is a picky person, with strict demands on the menu.

8. 这个客户真是个二郎,对产品质量要求很高。

This customer is really picky, with high demands on product quality.

9. 他是个小二郎,对自己的外表很在意。

He is a picky person, very concerned about his appearance.

10. 这个老板对员工的工作态度很二郎。

This boss is very picky about the attitude of the employees towards work.

11. He is a picky person, always unsatisfied with everything.


12. This picky person is really hard to please.


13. He is a picky person, with too many demands when it comes to food.


14. This child is really a picky eater, doesn't like anything.


15. He is very picky about this matter, always finding excuses.


16. He is a picky person, with high demands on clothing.


17. The owner of this restaurant is a picky person, with strict demands on the menu.


18. This customer is really picky, with high demands on product quality.


19. He is a picky person, very concerned about his appearance.


20. This boss is very picky about the attitude of the employees towards work.


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